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Shuld shady be changed?
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Mar-14-2006 21:36

I think shady is a great idea for controling how well people play. But on the other hand "unsolvable" cases and human error can cause fauls acusations way to easy. I think shady should be changed for this reson. How you ask?

I think the cost should be lowered. I found myself not being able to do any cases for weeks having my agency back me on money till I could pay him off. All because of two cases were evry clue pointed to a certain person but the case said I was wrong. I spent so much money on bribes for those cases just to find out those bribes were worthless.??? Thats not right.

Also I think as your skill level incresis so should the amount of false acusations your alowed.

Fellow Sluethers, what do you think?



Sep-4-2006 08:34

I would like to issue LRC a public apology. Looking back my comments were unfair and I am sorry. If I had issues with LED I should have voiced them while she was still active and not wait to take advantage of a time like this.


Sep-4-2006 08:35

Lets bury this thread with happier posts.

Old Shoe

Sep-4-2006 09:56


1. "Maybe someone could just bump a bunch of old threads to bury what they dont like.

Oh ya, she's retired now. Oops my bad."

2. "Lets bury this thread with happier posts"

Um. Did someone say something about practicing what they preach?

"I might be a bitch at times"

At time of posting, you have a total of 10 posts. Six of them are here. Sounds like a firm majority.

The real issue here isn't just your incredibly crude timing, but also your remarkable cowardice. Why are you so afraid to post as yourself?


Sep-4-2006 10:28

It certainly does take a REAL MAN, to attack someone after they have apologized both privately and publicly for their rash comments.

Lady Ruby Caplan
Lady Ruby Caplan

Sep-4-2006 10:39

I should have posted here after you apologised. I am sorry.
I do think Amartha had a good point.. I did know that this post would be dug up.
I also understand why she was upset and angry.
It took guts for her to post what she thought and it also took guts to apologize. I have no issues with Amarantha.

Solve A Lot2
Solve A Lot2
Assistant Postman

Sep-4-2006 10:53

Ok, here go my 2 cents.
Sorry to LED for losing your detective. I know you must feel horrible, losing something you invested so much time in is very heartbreaking. I wish you luck with your new detective.

I would like to add that Amarantha has not logged into Sleuth for almost 3 months, we know someone has been using her detective, but we have not been able to find out who.

However, I do agree that only certain people are allowed to voice their opinions on the boards. Why you ask?? Because it seems that everytime someone posts a new idea to improve the game, if you are not in a "certain circle" the idea gets attacked by the "in circle". Which is why I try to avoid reading & posting on the message boards.

As for this post, Aviles, was very hurt by LED's comment about "sucking it up." He quit playing this game, because he felt he was being treated like an idiot for expressing his opinion.

So, while I know that CFM wants to help her friend, I think the mention of it on the Public Boards was out of line. It seems to me to go against what LED herself and many others liked about Sleuth.


Sep-4-2006 11:12

S.A.L.2 - well said!

Lucky Stiff

Sep-4-2006 11:42

OK what is this "In Circle"????

I keep hearing about this and as I am on good terms with everyone in Sleuth for the most part, I resent the idea that there are ppl who think not everyone is welcoming.....

I am relatively new here, not even half a year yet, and every single person I have had dealings with has been nothing but nice to me and very welcoming....if I can get into this "inner circle" so easily, why is it apparently so difficult for everyone else????

Everyone on sleuth has a right to be part of the community, which is the only circle I care about

Solve A Lot2
Solve A Lot2
Assistant Postman

Sep-4-2006 11:54

Well Biggie, possibly you have fit in so well with the "in circle" because you are a conformist and do not go against the grain.

All you need to do is look up posts that promote new ideas or offer suggestions to see how they are responded to by the "in circle".

Della Devine
Della Devine

Sep-4-2006 11:57

Applauds S.A.L.2

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