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Mojo Enterprises
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R Anstett
R Anstett

Feb-12-2006 17:59

The time is here to start invitations to Mojo Enterprises.

This is a group effort by several detectives to create a fun, helpful and competitive enviroment for people to participate in.

We welcome you to look over our guidelines, our code of conduct and mission statement.

To show that we want to help everyone we are also posting for the first ime in public some (not all ;) ) of Mojo's hunting guidelines.


Colonel Shanty
Colonel Shanty

Feb-17-2006 14:33

Whoa there lassies!!!! Settle down before we start fighting like perturbed cats!!

Ran, I am sure nobody is meaning to insult you - calling you immoral, unethical, et cetra et cetra. I know you are trying to make the game a little more competitive. But we are getting too aggressive here, folks!! We're pulling each other by the hair with these accusations.

OK, I'm not forcing you guys to sign a peace treaty over this debate. Mojo is an ambitious agency, and so is every other agency in Sleuthville. We all want to play the game, but this issue is distracting us so much. Hey, soon it will be the largest thread in Sleuth! Ran, I respect your tireless efforts to Mojo. You deserve a medal. But aren't we going a bit overboard here? I said that word before -- OVERBOARD. Does that ring a bell? Should I look it up at for ya'll?

Mojo is AMBITIOUS. Ran is AMBITIOUS. They mesh, don't they? Ran only wants the best for his agency. Now I don't want any glowering -- aren't we a big community? This is bringing out the worst of us, and that's a shame. There you go, I'm quoting Calalta.

This is becoming a big ball of nonsense. I'm starting to think it's crucial for Ben to make the final decision here, or else we'll be pulling pistols from our holsters or swinging daggers around the place.

If everyone wants to duel there way through the debate, fine with me.

I already gave everyone my view of what's occuring so far...

Peter Gunn
Peter Gunn

Feb-17-2006 14:59

Ok just for the record (and so all the messaging can stop)

No, I didn't mean that I think Mojo is out to ruin MY agency or any other.

My post was a scenario ONLY, an example of how it may seem that Mojo could have an unfair advantage over a single agency. I don't have anything against Ran or anyone else who plays the game.

As for my agency, I'm not really active in hunts and don't know if I'll ever be so it's not really an issue for this time.

I still think this whole issue could be solved if Ben made it so an agent had to travel to the home city of the agency in order to accept their invite to join. Maybe a pop up that says "You accept the invite from "XXX" agency and travel to (wherever)" then your agent is in that city minus the caes and cash it took for traveling. If you don't happen to have enough cash or cases it would say "Whoops! Sorry but you can't afford to travel at this time"

Then there wouldn't be any reason for having different offices in different cities as your agents would then have to travel BACK to the other city to work on the hunt.

Colonel Shanty
Colonel Shanty

Feb-17-2006 15:34

I'm sorry, but I have to interlude here for a moment...

I don't know if Miss Hayes did it accidentally or if it was really targeted as she said it, but Mr. R Anstett is NOT A LIAR. His enterprises are designated to run 4 agencies, and not 6. Like an international airport, with members traveling to different agencies which are individually located in each of the 4 Sleuth cities. The accusation Maddie Hayes made when she said that Ran was a liar isn't true... it really ruffled Ran's feathers. I believe somewhere up there he was demanding an apology from Maddie. So if the apology could be exchanged, Ran will calm down a bit. It really hurt his dignity... and he doesn't like being called a liar straight down.

Well, with that out of the way, let the debate continue...

Blueberry Hill
Blueberry Hill
Lucky Stiff

Feb-17-2006 17:04

This is not all about the hunts! A couple of quotes from LED, from this very thread:

"I think people are afraid that the spirit of the game may be ruined through alliances. It isn't all to do with hunts- wich other agencies are doing quite well in."

"I think the anti side of alliances is that you create more divisions and there is more chance for people to feel left out or excluded."

"I have played games where more and more people stopped playing because it was a horrible atmosphere due to alliances and the like."

"I am fully supportive of Mojos and not jealous. I was happy for you all when you got your 100th." (As was I. Realistically, Mokita does not compete with Mojo, something we are fully aware of. Unless Mojo's stopped participating in hunts, we'd never catch up. Which has nothing to do with agent rotation. You are more organized, and have players who can dedicate more time to the game than us.)

"I do think that the agency (Mojo) is great and supportive in helping everyone. I just don't see why there needs to be alliances."

"My concerns are not about hunts or treasures."

So, to sum up:
LED, Ara, myself, and others who have posted here, feel that agent rotation is against the spirit of the game. It is something Mojo does, but it is also something other agencies do. And we KNOW no written rule is being broken, but Ben did try to eliminate the advantage of agent rotation did he not? (Mokita, by the way, have only done this once, and that was to help Mojo out. We got a favour we needed in return. We regretted doing this, decided that we didn't want to win hunts that way, and haven't done it since.)

The OTHER point some have been trying to make, is that creating alliances can be a bad thing, even when it has NOTHING to do with hunts. Why? Because by creating an alliance ("us") you are automatically creating divisions in the game. Everyone else becomes "them". We've already had a small example of this, early on in this thread.

Blueberry Hill
Blueberry Hill
Lucky Stiff

Feb-17-2006 17:13

And so, this is not really about Mojo. The reason you feel attacked is because we are addressing you, since you brought the alliance idea up in the first place. Couple that with the fact that you ARE one of the agencies who rotate detectives, and people are bound to be worried.

(At the same time, we should all recognize the fact that Mojo are talking openly about this, instead of doing it "behind the scenes". It shouldn't be discouraged, which is happening now.)

This IS a small community, and such a large group of people working together (and I don't mean in hunts, necessarily) WILL affect the game.


Feb-17-2006 18:15

Guys, we really shouldn't be fighting? I mean, we're all on the same side, right? Detectives against Criminals? A little competitiveness is to be expected but c'mon, in the end we all get to feel safer at night knowing that one more brutal murderer is in prison, guarded by the greasy, fumbling fingers of the Criminal Justice System. It doesn't really matter who wins or loses, as long as the world is made just a little bit safer for the children and the puppies.

Besides, every time you guys argue, Shady kills a kitten.

Athena NYC
Athena NYC

Feb-17-2006 18:41

Okay, i have been silent long enough, and after recieving a pm from Ran, here are my 2 cents. Okay if there is already so much confusion and division over JUST THE IDEA, then imagine how it will be after this is actually put into effect.It's gonna RUIN sleuth.Cause there has already been sides chosen, this is just like a Civil War.We are from the same community and serve the same purpose so why argue.If Mojo Enterprises causes so much confusion, then it should be dissolved.Alliances are very UNFAIR, not targeting Mojo, if it was done by the agency i was in, i would be against it.Ben did not create this game for alliances, if he did, he would have made it possible for it to be more than 12 agents in a single agency.This game is not made for alliances, it makes the game LESS competitive NOT more competitive.

Colonel Shanty
Colonel Shanty

Feb-17-2006 19:26

From where I am standing, I am taking a neutral side of this war and making sure everyone is at peace. The interlude somewhere up there was not meant to upset anyone, and now I've been receiving dozens of PMs complaining about my supposedly injust act. Well, I give out my sincere apologies to Maddie Hayes -- I was probably wrong to include the interlude anyway. I feel like I was a puppet in Ran's hands. A mere messenger boy with no life. I was foolish, and now I am taking the stand. I am the neutral one, and I don't want to side. I'll avoid embarassing myself again in this heated, heated, heated HEATED debate.

This is the beginning of a war, I can see it. How much more quarrelling are we going to take in? We've had strong opinions throughout this debate, and many were well supported with reasonable thoughts.

How many will leave this game if alliances and enterprises of agencies will take over the atmosphere?

Will this become the next Utopia?

Coco Cola
Coco Cola

Feb-17-2006 19:47

I'm from Moonlighting, I can't speak personally for what Maddie posted but I would like to say the following.
Mojo's has obviously got a bunch of people dedicated to the game. Ben has posted previously that bringing in outside detectives and out side agencies is not cheating.
They are entiled to do this if they wish and do, and so is anyone else.

However as far as I can tell most don't and I don't think this is because they haven't seen the possiblites. Seems the reason is some think it is unethical some think it would kill the community. These are all indvidual points of view .

It does potentialy cause a monopoly on winning treasure hunts, the figures previously mentioned on recent hunt wins show no advantage, there are most likely other figures on periods of time before the rule of favours being unable to enter an agency, that show something else, I dont know.
But it logialy follows from figures mentioned that yes there would be an advantage, I don't think we need to kid ourselves there and as I said there is no rule against taking that advantge.

Personaly I would'nt want to do it and seem to be the majority view this does not mean I'm right.
I cannot see how it would improve the enjoyment of the game if a few big agencies were running the show. I'm thinking I may have been a bit intimidated if that is what sleuth was when I loged in the first time.
My main concern though, on this issue is the bad feelings and rifts it seems to have already caused just talking about it.

Is that what killing the community is?

Old Shoe

Feb-17-2006 21:48

I am beginning to wonder if I should have responded to this thread in the first place.

I've been getting PM's, and people have been quoting me as representative of "the little guy."

I truly and honestly respect each and every one of you. I have had people PM me who are pro alliances and people who are con, and without exception, each has been gracious, respectful, and thoughtful.

And so I wonder about this community, about this game. I stumbledupon it in November, joined an agency under another name (Antimony), resigned, started a new detective, and a new agency with a friend. Not necessarily because I wanted to be competetive, but because I enjoyed the game so much, I wanted to share the experience with others--to maximize their enjoyment of the game by providing whatever advice and equipment I could. I have never been a "gamer," so my enjoyment of this game took my by surprise. I have thoroughly enjoyed the Sleuth experience.

Then Ran posted about Mojo Enterprises. I and others added my two cents. People felt liberated--look, others feel the same way I do! And post by post, things seemed to have disintegrated. It's Mojo against the world now, Bad Guys vs. Good Guys, Borg vs. the Federation.

Listen: I don't think Mojo is an Evil Empire. I have PM'd with Ran, and I know, I *know*, his intentions are good. He has proposed new regulations regarding agent-swapping among affiliated agenices, i.e., not allowing new agents to participate in hunts for X number of hours/days etc. Is this enough to ensure that no undue advantage is gained? I don't know. I am thinking that maybe the whole alliance thing has been blown out of proportion. Being relatively new to the game, I don't know whether Ben responds to these kinds of things quickly, or whether he hopes that the agents will work it out themselves. But I have an idea:

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