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Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

Apr-24-2006 04:33

Where did Mojo's go?? What happened?? How could this happen?? Who let this happen??

Who? What? Where? When? How?




R Anstett
R Anstett

Apr-24-2006 19:41

JST you can not imagine what it is like to sit there and stare at the screen after that. To get the frantic PMs and IMs about what just happened. We were all in shock for a bit.

It helps that all the people who were active in Mojo came together and helped each other out in doing what we could to recover.

Della Devine
Della Devine

Apr-24-2006 20:08

Omega continues it's association with The Shire and The Closers and is deeply saddened by the loss of Mojo.

Old Shoe

Apr-25-2006 00:38

Wow, that just flat out sucks. I know exactly the gut-dropping staring feeling you mean R_An...some unparallelled combination of disbelief, incomprehension and dread. Reminds me of looking at the empty parking space where I THOUGHT I had remembered to slap the anti-theft device on my father-in-law's car.

Good luck to you and all those affected...what a crappy thing to have to deal with.

Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

Apr-25-2006 01:38

These last few posts have got me thinking.

I though that if a Director left an agency didn't dissolve? It's made me paranoid now.

How do you accidently delete an agency? I mean if it's that easy... it's a pretty major thing to happen. And it's pretty devastating in this case.

Maybe there needs to be changes?? What about Jojo's pink neon sign flashing a warning: "YOU ARE WIPING OUT YOUR AGENCY!!"??

Just so it can't happen again because if it's happened once...

Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

Apr-25-2006 01:39

Sorry, typo: "I thought that if a Director left an agency *IT* didn't dissolve."

Della Devine
Della Devine

Apr-25-2006 02:01

Very good point. I'm also rather paranoid about this.


Apr-25-2006 02:44

Maybe it should give you a box asking:

Do you really want to close this agency? YES/NO

Like the one you get when accusing or quitting a case.


Apr-25-2006 04:23

I don't think people need to be too paranoid. It can happen (obviously), but it is not very likely to happen, ie. it won't happen easily. I guess it explains why it is the first time that it did happen. There is a confirmation process when you want to quit an agency, the leave agency link is sort of seperated from the other links. And if you know you are the only director....
It is sort of like getting three falses by the same fluke. It happens, I had an agent above 1 million accidentally retire, who was convinced she had NO falses (ie not one or two.) You get even less warning there "if you accuse now, you will retire yourself."...........oh man I wish!!!!

R Anstett
R Anstett

Apr-25-2006 05:32

If you are the sole director and you leave the agency it disolves. Just disapears around you.

If you are the sole director and get 3 falses, the agency still exsists, but has no director. Moonlighting had this happen a while back. Admin was able to help them recover because there were people in the agency still.

In our case there was no agency to be in.

And yes Reda there is a box that you click yes on. If if had been flashing pink neon I might have read more carefully it is true. I honestly did not read it all obviously, only the last part about click Yes to continue.

Perhaps a different color background on the text?

Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

Apr-25-2006 05:44

I remember one time when Chelsea Brondo was the sole Director and resigned and the agency was fine... just Directorless. Ben had to reinstate her as Director or something. At least, I'm pretty sure that's what happened.

Hence, I was wondering how this could happen and if there was a change.

And if it's that easy to dissolve a whole agency, then maybe there needs to be a change, since it's so sad and devastating.

But I know what it's like when you think you've clicked on something and then just keep clicking "Yes", I've gotten a FA that way :)

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