Applying RL to Sleuth
Dec-5-2005 16:18
So, I was talking to the librarian in London today, asking if one of my suspects had been there when the murder happened. I'm studying to be a librarian, and the first thing that jumped to mind was, "Is she allowed to tell me that? That might go against the ethics of guarding a patron's privacy!" My next thought was, "I've been studying waaaaaaay to much!" I was amused though...
Replies |
Dec-9-2005 21:20
Thanks for the luck! :) So far I've only been through one semester, but I enjoyed it. Although things got really busy at the end.
Hercule Parrot
Dec-11-2005 06:52
Well, the library is my favorite place. It always quiet. Well, it's not easy to find a quiet place in a city. Go for it bitter suite.
btw, I haven't acquire research skill though. what a shame, 8=(
Blaise Joshua
Dec-12-2005 11:16
Two of my dream jobs: working in a bookshop or being a librarian : o )
R Anstett
Dec-13-2005 13:38
Don't say that in an interview.
I used to manage bookstores, now I manage in a library.
I always get a shiver when someone says that in an interview "I always dreamed of working in a library, I love to read".
No, you are here to work, not to read.
Blaise Joshua
Dec-13-2005 14:17
Well ... part of the dream is reading, which is probably why it shall stay exactly that - just a dream.
We had someone apply for a position at our company once and he told us he'd just been turned down by the army. When I asked why he'd been turned down, he said that in an interview, when asked why he wanted to join the army, he had replied it was because he wanted to fire rocket launchers. He didn't get a job with us either : o )
Dec-13-2005 15:19
Yeah, I wouldn't say "I love to read." I at least wouldn't give it as a reason for wanting to work in a library. I might mention it at some point though. Maybe at the end or something.
Dec-13-2005 16:52
What private investigators don't get to fire rocket launchers??? *walks away disappointed*
Dec-14-2005 09:16
Yeah, we tend to call people working in libraries Librarians when most of them are just Library Assistants, if they even got that far in their training.
Dec-15-2005 12:36
Yeah, that's true. Not a lot of people realize that you don't become a librarian simply by getting a job in a library.
Dec-21-2005 11:47
that is pretty intense!!!