Applying RL to Sleuth
Dec-5-2005 16:18
So, I was talking to the librarian in London today, asking if one of my suspects had been there when the murder happened. I'm studying to be a librarian, and the first thing that jumped to mind was, "Is she allowed to tell me that? That might go against the ethics of guarding a patron's privacy!" My next thought was, "I've been studying waaaaaaay to much!" I was amused though...
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Dec-7-2005 10:26
I get that question all the time. Yes, you have to go to graduate school, at least in the USA. I'm talking about more than simply checking books in and out. We're learning about different formats for online catalogging (MARC), as well as online libraries (OCLC), and different classification systems (DDC, LCSH). I also have to remember what all those stupid acronyms (and there are A LOT of them) mean. We're learning how to search databases such as Dialog effectively because you have to pay to use Dialog, and is you can't do it well you end up paying hundreds of dollars. We're learning about the ALA ethics system and what ethics are related not only to librarians, but archivists, and other careers people could go to after completeing this program. And people here my not simply be puclic or school librarians. There are corporate librarians, handling information for big corporations. There are also people who will be going to university libraries, people who will be doing techinical computer library things such as catalogging and indexing, as well as people who will not be going to work in libraries at all! Some librarians may also specialize in certain areas, such as music, medicine, foreign languages, etc.
Sorry for the rant but as I get that question all the time, I have learned how to answer it. :)
Dec-7-2005 12:55
Wow....when I asked you a few days ago. You just said: "Yes."
Oh wait, I think i asked "I didn't know you had to get to get a PHD to be a librarian." At least I knew you had to study. :)
Dec-7-2005 15:49
Lol, well I try not to rant too often. I figure people who aren't actually in the program *probably* don't care. Although at the same time I sometimes get the urge to say, "Um, there's a lot more to it than shelving and checking out books." And good job for knowing you have to study. :)
R Anstett
Dec-7-2005 17:44
Some of us do way more than books too
Calico Jack
Dec-7-2005 17:55
Hey now! I already told you I was just kidding!
with my post that is. I'm not really jstkdn!
Dec-7-2005 19:09
Oh, my little rant wasn't directed at anyone in particular Calico! It was just a "yes you have to go to grad school to be a librarian rant". I know you were kidding. :)
Dec-9-2005 09:06
Ok and good luck with the training!!! Ive learnt something new!
Dec-9-2005 21:20
Thanks for the luck! :) So far I've only been through one semester, but I enjoyed it. Although things got really busy at the end.
Hercule Parrot
Dec-11-2005 06:52
Well, the library is my favorite place. It always quiet. Well, it's not easy to find a quiet place in a city. Go for it bitter suite.
btw, I haven't acquire research skill though. what a shame, 8=(
Blaise Joshua
Dec-12-2005 11:16
Two of my dream jobs: working in a bookshop or being a librarian : o )