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Hate Shady Club
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Dec-3-2005 12:36

Anyone want to join this brilliant club? If you have ever been scammed cheated or bled dry by that evil man in the bar post here! I just thought that this was necessary as i keep on seeing messages in other threads complaining about it when everyone else is talking about something completely diferent.



Dec-31-2005 13:35

Well, the one false accusation one of the first few cases I did and I haven't had another since. Do the price raise with the amount of experience points you get?

R Anstett
R Anstett

Dec-31-2005 13:37

Yes the price is based on your Experience amount at the time you pay him, not the time you got the false. So if you go up fast, it can be better to have a totally clean record.

Trisha Applegate
Trisha Applegate

Dec-31-2005 15:25

I'll join the club. He's been trying to railroad me a couple of times and it's getting on my nerves. I guess i'm not the only one who hates him.


Jan-8-2006 05:38

After a small incident where I was unable to bribe due to a lack of fund *a cough which sound suspiciously like 'shady'* I think this thread needs up on the top of the pile lol


Jan-9-2006 21:55

I say since the game allows you to see cases from the outside looking in, that you should be able to commit at least one secret murder and get away with it. A person in your profession should know how to be discrete and not get caught.

The only one on my organ donor list so far is Me. Character, who truly deserves an end befitting his shady persona.


Jan-12-2006 10:07

Exactly Shady - What Goes Around Comes Around lol

Ms. Aimee
Ms. Aimee

Jan-12-2006 14:20

Bumping off the bar lurker now? Awesome, Count me in.


Jan-12-2006 14:28

I had to sell my hat to pay him off. I'll join you in the club.


Jan-12-2006 16:24

AP you sure you want to commite murder in a city with so many detectives?


Jan-13-2006 09:34

I feel that the detectives would turn a blind eye this time and it's not like anyone would be offering a reward for capturing the murderer lol

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