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learning special skill from faction leader
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Dec-1-2005 14:31

I know that I can learn 2 skills from each faction leader when you reach +25 with them. I want to know if I've a choice to learn which of the 2 1st, or if there is an order? eg.You'll have to learn safe-cracking(of a lower skillpoint)1st before learning Surveillance.



Dec-1-2005 15:16

"There is no choosing."? Does it mean the skill is teach randomly and only for once?? Plus, you've to save the highest skillpoints required before asking the faction leader???

Arabella Parker
Arabella Parker

Dec-1-2005 15:44

There are 6 factions and 6 special skills you can learn. Each faction will teach just one skill. You must have +25 with the faction that teaches the skill you desire and have enough skill points. The only way to learn Surveillance is by subscribing and traveling. You can find out more about the cities and factions by looking at Reapers site which you can access from the Sleuth Community Sites link or right here.


Dec-5-2005 09:45

When I say there is no choosing I mean that each faction has a skill they can teach you. There is only one skill at that faction. You dont have different skills at same faction thus no choosing between different skills.
So If you know you want to get the skill they teach then go and get on their good side. If not dont just choose another faction.
If you want to see what they teach check the link arabella gave or just ask them. They will tell you what it is even before you have enough points to learn the skill.
Im not sure what you mean by random? There is nothing random about skills. Also I dont get what you mean by teaching once? Isnt learning the skill once enough? after that you can use it, cause you already learned it.


Dec-5-2005 12:39

To be a little more specific
Surveillance is learned from the Circle of Light
Safecracking is learned from La Cosa Nostra.

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