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Hunting for Agency

Chelsea Bando
Chelsea Bando

Nov-19-2005 08:53

I just started a week ago and am looking for a agency.


Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Nov-19-2005 11:11

Invite sent to you!

Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Nov-19-2005 12:50

Chelsea..I noticed u were logged on,after I already sent Invite...and if you accept or decline,it will tell me in Pop up,which I havent received so, that makes me wonder if you are receiving PMs at all? Your pop up blocker has to be turned OFF,in order to receive PMs ;)

Chelsea Bando
Chelsea Bando

Nov-19-2005 13:17

I fixed my popup blocker but have decided to try and start my own business. Depending on how business works out, I may end up having to closing down. I hope that this does not happen however. I am very active and play all my cases every day so I hope to be able to pay rent.
Apologies that I won't be joining your agency but I really felt that I should try to make a name for myself on my own.

Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Nov-19-2005 15:37

I understand :) Good luck on your own! ;)

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