is everybody on this site american
sergent jack
Jul-25-2004 08:18
im british and everybody i talk to is american can some body reply to me
Replies |
Jul-25-2004 11:44
I'm Canadian. Kind of like the stop between American and British. :)
Jul-26-2004 09:07
ha I meet another aussie on this Gr8 M8
Eleanor Harker
Jul-26-2004 09:57
Ciao,Bella Luna. Don't be confused by the greeting I'm Italian.(By the way thanks for all your good tips on the message board!) Am I the only one though? Hi sergent I lived in England for such a long time that I kind of feel I'm British too.
Jul-26-2004 14:16
Im american from america southern cali to be precise....lol...:)
Jul-26-2004 21:31
Salut, Ciao, Konichiwa. Don't be confused by the greetings, I'm a New Yorker. :P
Sir James
Jul-27-2004 01:53
Wow Julianna, and I was thinking you were of Belgian, Bulgarian, and Okinawan heritage. Go figure...
I'm Dutch by the way
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Jul-27-2004 09:45
Among the subscribers, about 50% are American. Australians, Canadians and British each make up about 10%.
Other countries from which we have multiple subscribers are: Denmark, Singapore, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Brazil, Italy, Israel, Hong Kong, Hungary, Quatar and France.
I think it is very cool that the game has such an international reach. One of these days, I'll probably show up at each of your doors and ask if I can sleep on your sofa.
Jul-27-2004 11:46
dont forget to raid the fridge,
Jul-27-2004 11:49
you never know what kind of neat things people have in theirs, or gross, i bet you're a perfect example admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Jul-27-2004 12:51
Nope, Sunny was kind enough to clean out the fridge, just the other day.