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New skill area?
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Nov-8-2005 14:32

I remember reading a post somewhere that said that a lot of the veterans were frustrated because there were no more skills to use their skill points on - what if there was a fourth category called "stealth" - I realize it would require some restucturing of the game (ie: lock picking and pick pocketing would have to be taken from "tough" and 2 other tough skills would need to be created), but you could also include a skill that would, for example, enable you to physically get a hair sample from a suspect (for the sake of argument) before you could check it with the tailor. I always thought it was weird that the townspeople magically knew if a hair fiber belonged to someone without comparing it side by side with an actual sample - just a thought...


Big Sherlock
Big Sherlock

Dec-3-2005 21:23

I like this idea.

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