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Kouji Kabuto
Kouji Kabuto

Nov-7-2005 03:44

Is the number of questions you can ask before a suspect or people in town clams up again purely random?


Kouji Kabuto
Kouji Kabuto

Nov-8-2005 11:16

Excited isn't exactly the term for it, it's just how I normally play PC/console games. Or anything with RPG elements in it.


Nov-8-2005 17:16

I'll think you'll find that using smarts as your secondary skill will benefit you the most, for the exact reasons you mentioned above. I don't have numbers to crunch, but I do use charm/smart/tough skills, and find that the smart is more helpful than the tough on a consistant basis. With my charm skills, the tough skills are a convience more than anything. (Of course I could reconstruct my outfit and lean toward the tough skills and make charm skills the convience easily enough as well.)


Nov-9-2005 01:56

Sleuth has some elment of luck build in. So even if you had the exact numbers it wont always help you.
I have judge of charcter skill (since ive strated) so I can see the numbers. But even with that some ppl will clam on me when the chance is 90+ and others will talk around the 70+. So luck is very important.

Kouji Kabuto
Kouji Kabuto

Nov-9-2005 02:11

Of course, I dare say that almost every game in existence has luck or random chance factored into it one way or another.

It's not the issue of getting the perfect results [although that's the what I'm aiming for] but optimizing with that goal in mind.

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