Kouji Kabuto
Nov-7-2005 03:44
Is the number of questions you can ask before a suspect or people in town clams up again purely random?
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Kouji Kabuto
Nov-8-2005 10:46
*that Charm and Toughness actually help in getting more questions,*
that Charm and Toughness also help in increasing the number of questions you get from their respective conversation skills.
Reginald mountjoy
Nov-8-2005 11:07
Take smarts as your secondary tool.
Obviously once you have more skill points you can then choose a second persuasion type. Then once you can judge character, you can use whichever method is more likely to bring success.
Theres too much randomness in the gsmr to give anything other than rough guidelines, it seems to me that the models simplistic - theres not all that much to take to pieces. If I were you I'd get an awful lot more excited about the rules behind autocad or something.
Kouji Kabuto
Nov-8-2005 11:16
Excited isn't exactly the term for it, it's just how I normally play PC/console games. Or anything with RPG elements in it.
Nov-8-2005 17:16
I'll think you'll find that using smarts as your secondary skill will benefit you the most, for the exact reasons you mentioned above. I don't have numbers to crunch, but I do use charm/smart/tough skills, and find that the smart is more helpful than the tough on a consistant basis. With my charm skills, the tough skills are a convience more than anything. (Of course I could reconstruct my outfit and lean toward the tough skills and make charm skills the convience easily enough as well.)
Nov-9-2005 01:56
Sleuth has some elment of luck build in. So even if you had the exact numbers it wont always help you.
I have judge of charcter skill (since ive strated) so I can see the numbers. But even with that some ppl will clam on me when the chance is 90+ and others will talk around the 70+. So luck is very important.
Kouji Kabuto
Nov-9-2005 02:11
Of course, I dare say that almost every game in existence has luck or random chance factored into it one way or another.
It's not the issue of getting the perfect results [although that's the what I'm aiming for] but optimizing with that goal in mind.