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Skills Question
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Smokey Joe
Smokey Joe

Jul-20-2004 10:09

I'm trying to figure out the best skill set to have. My character is "very charming". should i just buy charm skills and forget about toughness althogether, or will i need toughness too in later cases? do you need judge of character or can you just always go with what you have the most skill in and have a good success rate with getting people to talk? basically, is there any point to having both tough & charm or can you get away with having all skills in just toughness or charm? Thanks



Jul-20-2004 13:25

I used the idea/ very tough with some smarts to help out with the phys. evidence to help eliminate the false suspects.
Lock picking and research are must haves in my humble opinion.


Jul-20-2004 21:18

I gave up on even asking about judging character, like sayla, and go straight to my charm skill, and i quit buying toughness skills as well.

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