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Dead Guys 'R' Us is at it again!


Jul-16-2004 17:33

That's right folks the snappy dressers here at Dead Guys 'R' Us are looking for a few good people.

Requirements are simple....

You must be a subscriber (This is not an option. It is not my rule. Don't come crying to me, it's all Ben's decision, go talk to him).

You must be willing to put up with some really fun people. I mean it, I love this group, they're really swell.

So, post a message of you desire to join our wonderfantabulousensational group or send a message to myself, the dashing MegAmy, the sweet Newra or the spunky Harriet Vane for consideration.

We have plenty of money to help the new and shabbily dressed agent or the agent in trouble with the Shady Character.

Come join Dead Guys 'R' Us...We'll leave the ceramic moose night light on for you.

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