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Buying away False Accusations
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Sep-21-2005 19:08

Ok, so I'm stuck in a paradox. I have 2 false accusations, but as I solve cases I continue to increase my experience. With the occasional bribe my cash is growing at about half of rate at which the cost to erase my record is raising. So, at this rate I'll never be able to pay off my accusations if I continue in this manner.

Is there a better way to make money to pay the shady character, because just doing cases isn't working.



Sep-22-2005 00:10

Thanks for the advice. The really easy cases don't seem to be working. I suppose eventually the incredibly hard cases payoffs will have to eclipse the shady character's fees at some point. By the time they're easy for my character I'm sure I'll have enough money.

I tried working the easy cases, but the trade off in character development annoyed me. (I really wanna learn hypnosis.)

V Buster
V Buster
Old Shoe

Sep-22-2005 01:54

Just to check again, you are doing favours right?


Sep-22-2005 19:59

Hypnosis is really not worth the risk of getting retired!

And remember, the trade off in character development is nothing compared to starting from scratch on a new character.

It's important to pay off Shady right away with two false accusations, and if you don't have the money, be VERY careful about the level of cases you are solving. It's possible to get an accidental false even when you are "sure" you are right!

Make sure you are doing favors, as V Buster said, and sell some of the gear you earn. Or consider leaving your agency for a while as an apprentice at an established agency where someone is willing to take you on and loan you some money, and perhaps also help you develop your skills. Post the right request, and someone will step up.

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