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The Tailor's Lie
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Colonel Shanty
Colonel Shanty

Sep-21-2005 16:43

The Tailor lied to me. I couldn't get an uncooperative suspect to tell me her alibi, so I went to the Tailor to see if the thread found was hers. It was ... or so the Tailor said. I jumped to conclusions, and accused Madame Perigen. *sigh* The reall killer was Monsieur Alonzo. Drat! I had to pay off Shady, and now I'm left with a spinning head and a miserly cash balance. I was doing a Really Hard case, just to try it. Can someone explain to me why the Tailor lied? After all, Madame Perigen's supposed alibi was with the Tailor. I need some answers!



Sep-21-2005 19:04

I wish I saved a case history I had. There was an instance where I had 2 WE and the party had an alibi.

He clammed up before I got his alibi I accused him and of course, was wrong.

Dionne Dawson
Dionne Dawson

Sep-21-2005 22:15

cfm, i am sure that only 1 WE+Fake/"none of your business" Alibi= does not garantee a guilty suspect. (been there..)


Sep-21-2005 22:41

PE+WE does not equal guilty.

WE + Fake/None of your business does = guilty

Gena Long
Gena Long
Sleuth About Town

Sep-22-2005 06:46

Dionne and joelsbabe, I'm guessing that if you had one WE and a no alibi or 2 WE and your guy was still not guilty, then those cases were bugs.

Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Sep-22-2005 08:26

ya because I've accused someone on only having one WE w/ a fake/none alibi and that was correct and I've done it serveral times, as a matter of fact. :)

Colonel Shanty
Colonel Shanty

Sep-22-2005 14:04

Thanks, cfm. I must remember that. But Madame Perigen clammed up as soon as I visited her. She was NOT cooperative, so I didn't know her alibi? How am I to distiguish real alibis and false alibis if I can't get anything out of the suspects?


Sep-22-2005 15:47

Colonel, sounds like you need to bump down a level if you are having consistant difficulty in soving your cases, until you get new skill or two.

Gena Long
Gena Long
Sleuth About Town

Sep-22-2005 17:38

there are also a certain number of people (depending on the case diff. level) with bad alibi's. So it's a process of elimination. For example if you are working on xxxxxx level and you know that out of your 8 suspects, 5 of them have bad alibis, then once you get 3 with good alibis the rest are bad and vice versa. This info can be gained by keeping track of your cases or Naomi has 2 versions of the sleuth helper, one with this info on it, and for those that want to figure it out on their own, one without.


Sep-22-2005 19:51

Colonel, there are skills that can help unclam a suspect who won't talk anymore, so when you are desperate to know an alibi, they can help. Even if you don't have them, if you subscribe an join an agency, one of your fellow agents can open the case and use their skills to help you. One of these skills is surveillence, a smarts skill available from one of the factions. This works best if you are wearing smarts gear when you use it, again more easily done if you are a member of an agency with smarts gear in the locker.

Another agency support factor is that when you store a case in the case files, sometimes one or two suspects unclam when someone else opens the case. I have gotten lucky before with this unclamming the person whose alibi I needed to know.

But the suggestions already made by others should still help you if you are determined not to subscribe ; ) (or unable, or whatever)

1. Go for two accusations from other suspects. This has never failed me, unless too many of the other suspects have also clammed.

2. Count your alibis and go by process of elimination, as Gena suggests. I know of at least one person who has been around longer than I have who swears by this method. (Is it reda I am thinking of?)

3. Bump down a level in case difficulty until you improve your interviewing skills and maybe even gear.

Good luck!


Sep-22-2005 19:52

Oh, P.S. As cfm said, the Tailor didn't lie. I think of it like this:

The criminal always leaves only one piece of evidence at the crime scene, and up to three other people contaminate it with their misleading evidence.

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