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Sadie Lee
Sadie Lee

Aug-24-2005 00:16

I'm sorry if I am overlooking the answer to this somewhere else, but I haven't found anything yet. I am wondering how the adjustments work. I got a jade bracelet, a charm adjustment of '2'. I assume that strengthens whatever charm skills I have, but is there some way of knowing exactly how each adjustment effects each skill? For example I have no idea how much help an adjustment of '2' would give me, will I actually notice some kind of effect when talking to witnesses/businesses? And how high do the adjustments eventually get?


Sadie Lee
Sadie Lee

Aug-24-2005 01:07

Thank you very much. =) I actually do have the Judge of Character skill, lol. Wondering if I should have gotten other ones first. Right now I have Flirting, Sweet Talking, Judge of Character, Interrogation and Rule Bending. And that Jade Bracelet. Your explanation makes sense, though so thank you. I was wondering what the 2 meant exactly. So increasing my chances by 2 makes sense.


Aug-24-2005 01:16

*found a thread on JOC and drops it in the room just in case anyone else wants to look*

Well, with that list up there on your skills, I'd stick with the charming skills from now on...leave the tough skills alone..basic thread and basic hair might be recommended to so that you can find that evidence at the scene on a regular basis....

*feels the heaviness in her eyes and knows its time to find some sleep*

Sadie Lee
Sadie Lee

Aug-24-2005 01:32

Ah, thank you. Now go get some sleep, yer no good to us newbies if you're tired! LOL.

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