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How do YOU solve cases?
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Aug-15-2005 07:39

Just wondering how everyone goes about solving a case? do you get alibis and a list of all suspects with motives first or do you go to town first so you waste fewer questions on suspects? My method is doing ok at the minute but think it could fail on harder cases where people talk to you less.


Gena Long
Gena Long
Sleuth About Town

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Gena Long
Gena Long
Sleuth About Town

Aug-15-2005 11:44

oops, didn't mean to do that twice, feel free to delete second entry.


Aug-15-2005 11:52

Yeah thats much more like me! I don't have the character judgement either ,I have stress detection instead so i did wonder what all that talk about ratings was! Thanks for the help so far!


Aug-16-2005 03:20

Most of the time I do this. I am saying most of the time, for the simple reason that sometimes half way through the game, I figure that my usual system in that particular case needs to be abandoned.

1. Change in a full set (of maximum) smart clothes.

2. Open up a bunch of cases, and do crime scene analysis, stick them in case files.

3. Change in a full set (of maximum) tough clothes. I use tough skills only from now on.

4. Find all suspects. Use fortune teller, if a case has 10 or 11 suspects, I use the fortune teller when I have found 10. I keep in account having an extra question for the closed door that I lock pick.

5. Use research.

6. Do the evidence for my physical evidence contact.

8. I ask for the alibi of the person that came up under my physical evidence contact. See if this person is the killer. I don't ask the alibi of the person that came up through research as not being the killer.

9. Ask the alibi's of all others that make sense to me as a potential killer.

10. Then the evidence of the towns person that I would need the least help from. (i.e. only one piece of evidence found (not 2 or 3), or not 11 people that are all have straight hair but only 2 or 3, don't have a lot of people claiming an alibi there.)

11. Then I either alibi's with the townies, or go straight for the townies. Whatever makes most sense, to increase my chances to win.

12. Then I usually go for the tailor, simply because it is easier to remember if someone is male or female vs. right of left handed etc. I don't take notes so...

13. Either I already know the killer now. Or have it significantly narrowed down. I check on this with the suspects. Or if I think if my suspects are at almost clamming, go for the townies first. (I also came time saving in to account, but that is because I am in an agency.)

14. If I still haven't solved a case, I ask my agency members for help with their contacts.

This system does require a lot of skills.


Aug-16-2005 03:22

(Under 10, I keep in to account that once I have identified someone with a townie, I need to be able to ask their alibi question as well.)


Aug-16-2005 03:24

I never guess the killer, rather quit. In my early days I guessed more, but now going to Shady would send me in to financial ruin, even though being one of the richest people in sleuth. Bad return of investment that shady guy.

Gena Long
Gena Long
Sleuth About Town

Aug-16-2005 18:55

Yes, very bad idea to quit, even when Shady isnt' so expensive. . guess that's how you get the be one of the richest people in Sluethville. :) I've gotten lucky guessing far less times that I have gotten stung. :)


Aug-16-2005 20:13

Gena, when Shady starts asking for 500K to clear your record, you might want to be a little more careful about those guesses. Quits have no effect on your detective, and there are always more cases to come.

Luniar Arkain
Luniar Arkain

Aug-16-2005 20:46

Uh, Jstkdn, I was going to open up a brand new question topic for this, but I'd rather just ask you right here since you mentioned it. What exactly does the Research skill do?


Aug-16-2005 20:51

Luniar Arkain

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