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HELP on the first case


Jul-28-2005 17:32

On my first case, my main suspect was killed, and i can't find out who the second clue belongs to. My secons suspect dosn't have any clues against him, any ideas?



Jul-28-2005 17:56

Have you tried asking all your contacts??


Jul-28-2005 18:21

You may need to go to the case tab and quit.

If your suspects have all clammed, but you don't have a full list, you might be able to get some help from the townspeople by asking if they know anything about the case. If they give you a name you currently don't have. It will show up on your list, but you will still need to find someone to give you a motive for that person if they turn out to be guilty.

Since you don't say what level case are working, I'd suggest trying something easier. Maybe even trying the tutorial case. :) Just because you CAN open a level, doesn't mean you have the skills to really work at that level yet.

Hope you are having fun! :)

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