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Server Down -Did anyone else think they had a virus?
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Jul-23-2005 23:35

LOL, today when I logged on and waited for the page to come up, and I saw,"Operational Error, Spyce Exception," I freaked out. I then typed in the address search area, "Operational Error," which lead me to a page that told me about opertional errors and the "Slammer Worm." When I seen this I nearly had a heart attack...LOL. I tried to click on the link to see if I could rid of the worm, but couldn't, so I sent an e-mail to the tech listed on the page, who handled removing the worm. I told him or her that I wasn't able to logon to my favorite game site, & I needed assistance asap..LOL. This is the honest truth. Thinking I had a virus I ran all three of my spyware scans, plus my virus scan. Then I went to my add and remove programs and removed what I could. After this I went through Windows Explorer & started removing additional files there, as well as finding something I had installed & thinking it was spyware & then learned later I'll have to reinstall it..LOL.My spouse told me early on that, "It's probably the server that's down," But, did I listen to him...oh no! I thought I had a bug, & I was going to kill it one way or the other..hehe. Talk about addiction to this game, this is a true sign of going through withdrawals and needing a fix, hehe. Yelp, Ben you gave me quite a scare today, but one good thing came out of it, I learned a heck of a lot about my PC. But the worst part of it was my spouse was right and I had to hear him say, "I told you so..hehe! No really, I'm just teasing. I was so happy when I was finally able to logon & know my pc was not infected..whew. Talk about relief! Thanks Ben for all you do to keep our favorite game up and running. You and Sunny are the best and we love you. Love Texan and DaRu



Jul-27-2005 22:02

LOL Harie3. I remember the first time when I couldn't logon, back when I first started playing and didn't know about the server being worked on, so when I tried to logon and couldn't, I really freaked out to the point that I wrote a letter to the Administrator, or tried at least, plus was frantically writing messages to all Sleuth players that I had MSN Messenger addresses to...hehe. Yelp, we've talked about a twelve-step program, and if I'm not mistaken, I think either jstkdn wrote out one for us sometime ago. Maybe we ought to scroll back through the message boards and see if we can't renew it...LOL, cause I think I need to re-read them. I'm glad Harpie3 that you found out before getting into some major repairs like I did...LOL. At least I'll know next time when I get the error message, Operational Exception Error. It's just that I had never recieved this type if error message, but just the usual, "Server is Down," oh well, live and learn, right? Happy Sleuthing sweetie.


Jul-27-2005 22:15

First of all, best-i is my sister. Secondly, she gave me her password to edit her bio if needed, so afterwards I came straight to the message boards to read the replies and forgot I was under my sister's agent name, oh well, I'm sure she won't mind..LOL. I'm always making this mistake, or forgetting to change back to me before I reply on the message boards. I started to leave it be, but since she just recently joined, my statements wouldn't make a lot of sense & would confuse some, so I thought I'd reveal the real me..ha! OK, now that I've cleared that up, I'm out of here and hitting the sack. To all Sleuth's playing at different time zones than me....happy sleuthing, & hope to see your name in the City News. Good luck and so long all!

Ms Cevasco
Ms Cevasco

Aug-6-2005 16:23

DaRu, whatever you're on, I want it! *lol*

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