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Suggestion - Cool Cars!
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Jul-4-2004 10:20

I think our detectives should be able to purchase really cool cars to drive around in. It could be a charm bonus (see my personal car for example: ), or it could be a toughness bonus (like driving around in a souped-up converted cop car)



Jul-4-2004 20:48

The only error in this logic:
The thread COULD belong to any of the other 5 male witnesses.

D.L. Williams
D.L. Williams

Jul-5-2004 01:30

WEll, by George, you're right as ever!

SO, NEVER jump straight to the Tailor. Disregard the last paragraph of my previous entry. Never jump to the Tailor, follow and eliminate in sequence. If the Footprint or Handwriting DO NOT render any evidence against the 3 fakers, then you can jump to the Tailor and be sure that 1 of the 3 will be a match of physical evidence.

Thanks Vixen for pointing that out! *smiles*


Jul-5-2004 01:52

No problem. :)

D.L. is most definately right. In my experience, one piece of physical evidence will always point to the killer. Of course, for this to work, you have to have ALL of the physcial evidence, so you need both thread and hair analysis.

And now I will adress the subject of this post. :)
Cars, or other new accessories, would be a fun addition to the game. Especially if they had an extra function.

D.L. Williams
D.L. Williams

Jul-5-2004 08:01

yes.. Like Shipping you off to another part of town, where there are more contacts and townsfolk and suspects to talk to.

But i guess this will jst have to develop as the game goes along.

james lee
james lee

Jul-5-2004 09:39

hmmm, how about i re-explain what i said, i.e.: if you find a thread from a males clothing, and the majority of suspects are male, than the thread has the highest possibility of showing you who the killer is

astarael the sorrowful
astarael the sorrowful

Jul-5-2004 20:47

hm, being able to access a dif. part of town could be a skill (driving- perhaps smarts (or charm when an awesome car)) and a car would also be necessary for other parts of town... WOOH! I'm psyched.

astarael the sorrowful
astarael the sorrowful

Jul-5-2004 20:50

sorry, didn't see your post, james. i forgot to go to the next page! anyhoo, it depends on how many threads you find. you get a thread from a male AND a thread from a female, and all but one of the suspects are male... it doesn't change the likelihood at all of showing who the killer is

astarael the sorrowful
astarael the sorrowful

Jul-5-2004 20:51

i think

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