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knows who the murderer is
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Art Masterson
Art Masterson

Jun-13-2005 05:02

When given a hint: [suspect] "thinks he/she knows who the murderer is.", what does that mean? Does it bypass the requirements for two WE + no/bad alibi = murderer? Since the converse shop hint [suspect] "..has not heard or seen anything" means that you cant trust their WE, surely if they know, they should give accurate WE?

I should add that I'm playing at 'hard' at the moment, so the 'honest but inaccurate' WE that I've read about shouldnt come in to play yet, should it?

Perhaps I should just drop the case since I've only got one WE (from someone who thinks he knows'), and everyone in the game has irreversably clammed up on me! ;p



Can Karacan
Can Karacan

Jun-14-2005 04:17

Regarding to my LOW experience, the formula is that:
"Mr.X thinks he knows who the murderer is" >>go ask him for a motive
"Mr.Y has not heard or seen anything suspicious" >> no need to question Mr.Y whom he suspects

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