Sleuth Home - Message Boards - Detective Agency Recruiting

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Looking to join an agency


Jun-11-2005 23:41

Are there any agencies looking to recruit a detective?? I am looking to join an agency ASAP



Jun-12-2005 19:50

We'd be glad to have you over at "Mysteries Inc". We try our best at hunts. Not too pushy or anything. Just do as many cases as you can if you cant do all 10 thats fine just do as many as you can on whatever difficulty. Doing cases gives fame which is good and what we want. If you want to participate in hunts please do try and help out but if you cant thats fine. We dont charge rent. If you want to put money in the agency safe then put money in whenever you can and whatever amount you want to put in. If you need help with a case just stick it in the files and we'll help you.

I'll send an invite

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