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What happens if you get 3 False Accusations?
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Sir.Ewan Andrews
Sir.Ewan Andrews

Jun-9-2005 12:04

Yeah what will happen then?O.o" I know that it says that...if you get 3 your lisence will be removed blah that true?do you have to start over again?~_~"


Tony Almeida
Tony Almeida

Jul-1-2005 00:46

Do false accusations on a case for a favor count against your record? I would think it does, but I was just wondering because false accusations on featured mysteries don't...


Jul-1-2005 01:31

Yeah, unfortunately it does count if you get a false on a favour :)

I think some of the reasons why the features don't count are that they're are a lot more difficult than the regular cases, which always follow a basic pattern, and that you can play the same featured mystery as many times as you want, however you only get credited with the reward and experience the first time you manage to solve it correctly :)


Jul-2-2005 20:33

I have to quit a favor case :( 1 PE but nothing else all the suspects clammed up on me before i finished asking all the questions. Better to quit than to guess wrongly and make Slim shady rich

Colonel Shanty
Colonel Shanty

Jul-4-2005 17:20

Three false accusations = losing license and retirement. Some helpful hints: Never guess. It doesn't matter if you are even 50% sure. Only if you have concrete evidence, then you may accuse. If you do end up with a tarnished record, go to the Bar and pay Shady a fee for its removal. (The price, unfortunatly, goes up higher every time). That is all I can do for you.

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