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Pick Pocketing
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Jun-28-2004 16:03

It seems that pick pocketing is a COMPLETE waste of skill points, at least for experienced detectives.
It hasn't proved useful to me, NOT EVEN ONCE. For hard cases where there are many suspects the chance that the client is guilty is very low.
12 skill points is too expensinsive for such a useless skill.
I should have known better.
In my opinion, either it should be much cheaper, or it should be complemented with extra abilitities (e.x. being able to pick pocket your witnesses to get back money you gave for information).


Ze Vindow Viper
Ze Vindow Viper

Jul-4-2004 16:30

i dunno, stress detection helps, and to have either both interrogation and intimidation or both rule bending and sweet talking (if the latter, flirting helps too)


Jul-4-2004 19:05

DaRu, what level cases are you playing? I do ridiculously hard, which means I have 11 suspects. This means that the probability of the client being guilty is 1/11, which is very very low to make the skill useful for me.
Maybe at lower levels it would be more useful.
My personal advice is to invest on the basic skills first. I think they are far more useful to the gameplay than the new skills.


Jul-7-2004 09:06

skills and archtype go hand in hand. but just as in real life, if you can get people to tell you things, that's an invaluable my vote is for advanced sweet talking & advanced rule bending

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