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SLEUTH Tips You Can Share
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Colonel Shanty
Colonel Shanty

May-26-2005 10:42

Do you have tips for detectives about playing SLEUTH? Please send them in. It would be a great discussion for all people stuck on a particular part of the game.


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Mar-23-2013 06:40

My tip is: At the top of the message board page there is a box to type in your question. Your question has probably been asked many times before and there are good answers there.

Please understand I don't want to sound rude, but why wait around for an answer, sleuths search for answers. Asking is okay too, but like I said why wait?. I've been around a long time and I occasionally use that little box.

Francesca Romano
Francesca Romano
Old Shoe

Mar-25-2013 22:01

Another tip that may sound like a no-brainer:
In doubt, quit. It's a lot better to have another case quit than a false accusation in your record.
Ofr course, if you're part of an agency, you can also file your case with as much information as you can possibly collect.


Jun-15-2013 16:57

My tip is that: If you're in a mystery and you think you have all your suspects but you are not sure if they are complete (probably you're afraid of a suspect clamming up) you could pay the fortune teller to consult the fates.........*please someone should complete it for me*

Wilfred Bukowski
Wilfred Bukowski
Sleuth About Town

Jun-22-2013 14:12

I can fill in on that - every mystery has between 5 and 12 suspects. A beginner's mystery will start with 5 and will grow directly proportional with the level of difficulty. Consulting the fates at the Fortune Teller will yield one of three possible results:

'You have only just begun...' meaning you need to find at least three more suspects.

'You have already passed many signposts...' meaning you need to find up to two more suspects.

'...all the actors have taken the stage...' which, of course, means that you have found all the suspects.


Nov-1-2023 14:09

From the works of Arthur Conan Doyle:

In which case does Sherlock Holmes almost accidentally kill himself and Watson while trying to prove his theory?


Nov-2-2023 23:27

The Devil's Foot.


Jun-8-2024 13:42

Sometimes getting new favors might be what you are looking for. In that case, completing easier levels of cases is the way to go, as you need 4 solved cases (any tiers) to get a favor.

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