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Why did you pick your detective name?
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May-26-2005 05:26
(sticky post)

Some of us have interesting reasons to pick a detective name. What is yours?

jstkdn which some people don't realize right away stands for JuST KiDding! It is something I tend to say a lot in real life after a lot of sentences. A good friend of mine in the US had jstkdn as a license plate of her car, so I wasn't that inventive myself.

My previous other agent was PM, which stands for Project/Program Manager, my profession in real life.

My only detective that I currently play with is freelancermountaineer. Only because Freelancer was taken. Sidney Bristow in the Alias series uses two call signs freelancer and mountaineer.



Sep-8-2007 21:18

mine is becuase my signiture has always been

chickenmaster :-)3

hence my username

Foxi Blayne
Foxi Blayne

Sep-13-2007 16:49

My Detective name comes from a character I've been working on for a graphic novel. Its actually Dolores Blayne, "Foxi" is her cabaret pseudonym lol. But, like all my ideas, it will probably never see fruition (other than potentially a subscribed char here) :p

I also have Freya Niccaff. Freya is an online name I've used for many years, I smoke (evil, I know :S) and drink lots of coffee, so hence the Nic(otine) Caff(eine). Nic is also from my real name (Nikki).

Miss Toria
Miss Toria

Sep-17-2007 10:55

My college dormroom number was 007.
My real name is Viktoria and I had a friend in the dorm who found it amusing that I live under 007.
So, I started to say "my name is Toria, Miss Toria", just for her amusement, but then it stuck on me.
Why not Vik Toria? Well I liked to be misterious... And it sounded better too.

Dave Von Wave
Dave Von Wave

Sep-18-2007 05:40

My real name is David and I lost my usual username to my first detective. somewhere around 2 years ago. (This was before we could un-retire them)

For my next detective I tried to come up with something rhimey to go with David and sort of settled with wave for Dave even though I hate it when people call me Dave.

Diktev Tivski
Diktev Tivski

Sep-19-2007 09:32

Its a pun. De-tec-tive. Dik-tev Tiv-ski. I added to ski for fun because it sounds slavic or something.


Sep-20-2007 09:49

i picked mine cuz im RAIN, thats gonna,DROP on your head!! LoL nah, i picked it cuz i LOVE RAIN!!!! dont yall?i love the smell of it, the feel of it, the taste of it, and most of all the SOUND of it!! rain is sooo AWESOME!!!


Oct-1-2007 04:55

I always love these stories.

Well, this is my secondary alias, my original Detective was given away to my old detective agency years ago :(

Alleluia is a character in one of my favorite books. She possesed charm and intellect, which are the features I chose for my detective.

Kevin Greene
Kevin Greene
Old Shoe

Oct-2-2007 09:37

When I was younger, I used to pretend that I was Kevin Greene, and I worked with the Hardy Boys. And I had most of their characters, and some of my own. It was very fun, so, hence my name!


Oct-8-2007 11:17

Mine's a little unusual out of all of these. The first part comes from something I am, which is a black belt in Taekwondo. The second part is pretty weird. In the Bible, the book of Revelations says that only 144,00 will be chosen. Not that I am deeply religious, the number just stuck. I am lazy with the keyboard sometimes so I just shortened it to 144. Hence Blackbelt144 was born!

Theo Stratus
Theo Stratus

Oct-8-2007 12:20

Me This Name is a Character that I'm currently writing about and thought why not.
The Full title will be Theo Stratus P.I. (Paranormal Investigator)

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