How did you discover Sleuth!?
May-25-2005 16:39
I found Sleuth almost by accident through a link from another game site (much inferior site, i might add) Glad I decided to try it out though! :D
Replies |
Colonel Shanty
May-25-2005 16:41
I found out SLEUTH from a magazine. I was pretty excited. And now I am a detective on one of my favorite websites.
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper
May-25-2005 16:46
I found Sleuth when I was trying to find mystery books or games (cant remember) ...I did a Google search, and noticed Sleuth Noir. I clicked on it, and I've been hooked ever since!! Glad I found this game!!!
May-25-2005 17:01
yeah me too! I dont quite know what it is, but its definitely an addiction! :D
May-25-2005 17:34
I was bored one day. And did a search on an engine for online "clue" type games, or murder mysteries or something like that.
May-25-2005 18:02
I've seen the banner on another game and I was attracted by the fact that it is a mystery game. I've clicked on it and voilą!
May-25-2005 18:42
Well one day I was browsing another game site. A video game site of course. They have a section called free stuff friday where the guy who writes the column tells everyone about a website that offers free games and he tells about it and why its a good site and if the site has an optional premium/membership/pay to play option. Well back in Late july around the 29th or something they had one for Sleuth. It was a murder mystery thing and by his description and all it sounded fun so I came in for a visit. Of course I made a detective. Well I wasn't that good at first but I quickly learned the ropes. Overall I've lost I think 3 detectives I think. The first died quick at first cause I kinda made a lot of guesses. My 2nd lasted a little longer (around a week!!!) but retired too. Third one came and went a little longer, I think the 4th I had stayed for a month but I made a few critical errors and lost him. Then I had kidgame2004, who has been here since like the middle of january. I also have "Sherlock&Watson" my (sixth, but since he is alive, my secondary active detective).
How i got sherlock well I finished my kidgame cases quick one day. I was bored and wanted more so I made a new detective. Eventually I subscribed him too. I may not do all 20+ cases a day (10 kid 10 sherlock plus the favors) but I still like subscribing because it contributes to a great game site on the net. Sleuth is fun and addicting and I get my moneys worth even if I only have time to do one case.
Esme Weatherwax
May-25-2005 19:07
I googled for detective games, came up with CSI first, downloaded a trial, bought the games, completed them, googled again, found Sleuth, hooked!
Blaise Joshua
May-26-2005 02:04
I was looking for an equipment vendor in America and, though I can't remember what Google combo found Sleuth for me, I stumbled across Sleuth.
May-26-2005 02:55
hehe kidgame, I've had three previous detectives too! god bless their souls.....
Arthur Granville Smith
May-26-2005 10:19
A friend recommended it to me ... she has a lot to answer for ;-)