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shady character
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May-24-2005 17:02

i just got a pm from shady character demaning money 10000 for 1 false and hidden fees, is this someones idea of a joke because it is not funny, I do not have any false and I did not know of any hidden fees for this game.


Tyler Smith
Tyler Smith

May-27-2005 10:02

good thang too. . .


May-27-2005 11:23

You know I think it is about time that he buys us a drink for a change.

Skyler Michaels
Skyler Michaels

May-27-2005 16:42

Folks friends and family lol. This shadycharacter will not buy any of you drinks. I told you he's an imposter. I know the real shadycharacter and he's no shady character.The imposter must go lol. i think i'll go find my brother.


May-28-2005 01:48

Will the real Shady please stand up? (If he can, after all that booze, and pockets full of our cash.)


May-28-2005 19:59

*Stands up*

HELLO! I am the real shady anyone can see that. I've been here 5 whole days! That umbrella is part of a skill I call "Intimidate the other detectives". To you guys you only see that umbrella but I can change my equipment at will. If I want the best, rarest, hardest to get, most valuable equipment, I can give it to myself instantly.

Buy you drinks? Heh heh is this the joke club? I'm not gonna get taken for a fool. I'm not wasting my money on you ungrateful detectives. I'm a good guy just doing an honest days work. MAYBE, If i am in a good mood I MIGHT buy someone a drink. That is at my discretion and what drink is up to me. Of course I am a good pickpocket so if you don't willingly give me money then I will secretly take it from you.

oh and The Real Shady, you are only 1 day old and have 0 experience. I've been here longer then you the honest way. I think now it looks like I am the real shady. It looks like YOU are the imposter. I mean 1 day and no experience or clothing? Heh I should get the gangs after you.

So I'll ask again, who wants to donate money to shadys bank account? I can never have enough money so yes I really need more money so who wants to say goodbye to their money?

Lady of Shadows

May-30-2005 11:05

only the real shady knows why he and my detective character became estranged. he also owes me money.


May-30-2005 12:58

Erm.... guys....
Now dont all shout at once, but would i be right in saying there are at least four shadys. i mean, he can't be in all the cities at once can he.....?
perhaps both shadys are the 'real shady'! so both of you, feel free to stand up!
*waits patiently*


May-30-2005 14:04

OK trick question......what is the last amount I paid you?


May-30-2005 16:30

Your brother could have told you that.

Oh wait....or was it the other Shady that was related to Skyler. :) *confused* I need therapy, someone willing to help out?


May-30-2005 16:32

OK trick many times did I see you today?

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