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May-11-2005 16:46

I have an annoying habit of forgetting to save PMs that people have sent me and then when I want to read them again, I can't. Would it be possible to automatically save, for example the last 10 received, with the possibility of moving them to some sort of archive if you want to keep them!?


Two pints of lager and a packet of crisps
Two pints of lager and a packet of crisps

May-15-2005 05:12

It would be nice if they were automatically saved when you reply to them. I have more than once clicked reply to say thank you for some important info then realised I've just deleted the info!
Yes I realise I just need to be more careful but last time I did it the person I was replying to had gone offline and I couldn't get the info resent for days!!
Marcus' idea is good as well as if you get a 2nd pm before having a chance to do anything with the first you have lost it!

Sir Kittithaj
Sir Kittithaj

May-15-2005 05:56

Yes, I lost some message because I immediately clicked "reply". Most people who receive PM for the first time probably do that, too.

Since I now always remember to save before replying, that isn't a problem anymore. But the second immediate PM could be a trouble if I haven't finish reading the first one yet.

That mostly happen when the person who send you the first PM send in another to correct and add something, not knowing he'll delete the first one in the process. That's why you should wait a few minutes before sending another PM to the same person.

Another possibility is that you're really well known and receive PMs from many people in the same time. Your only solution is not to make yourself really popular!

Yes, come to think of it, it would be a good idea to automatically save PMs after all. We can only hope Ben has the time to do that...


May-15-2005 06:29

Just a little tip I learned from Reverend, if you click on the black background, and then press your backspace button, it will take you back, from your reply, to the original message. :)


May-15-2005 09:37

oooh! Thanks cfm! That's very handy - i cant count the number of times I've clicked on reply and then lost the info of the message that was sent to me! Handy tip :D

Sir Kittithaj
Sir Kittithaj

May-16-2005 23:49

Or you can right click on it and select "back" from the menu. Both works. Be careful though, you might lost your message being written instead (depends on your browser.) So it's a nice idea to copy the whole message before going back or sending, just in case.

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

May-20-2005 11:58

OK, I've made a change so that when replying to a message, you can now see the original message at the bottom of the popup. Hopefully that helps.

I'd rather not automatically save PMs because that could end up using a lot of space.

Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

May-20-2005 12:10

latino, Nahhh I dont like this game. I only spend hours upon hours on here. ;) hehe Yes I absolutely LOVE this game!!! Best game that I've ever played!!

Cool Ben!!! : )


May-20-2005 12:14

Thank you, yet again, Ben!! I know it will keep me from saving and deleting so many PM's. :)


May-20-2005 12:41

Thanks Ben! Its very helpful!
*runs around shouting with glee*


May-20-2005 12:41

okay, perhaps that's just too excited!

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