Big Lucy equivalent
May-9-2005 14:40
I was thinking that New York is the only city that has 11 possible favors to get to win hunts,with Big Lucy as well as the 10 townies. That would seem to give an advantage to agencies based in NY, since they can save Lucy cases, whereas visitors can't. There is no reciprocal advantage (or 11th favor equivalent) for the folks who are based in other cities.
Maybe that is something Ben could work to even out in his spare time? Or maybe its not important - or - since I'm based in NY anyway, maybe I should just keep a low profile and take any advantage I can get.
Replies |
May-9-2005 15:44
I LOVE this idea. When I first started the game, I was only in New York briefly before I was snapped up by a London agency. I've therefore never had the pleasure of going to Lucy's cabaret. Could you work on this Ben!? London needs some lightening up, we could do with a cabaret! I'm sure detectives in other cities would agree!
Morley Dotes
May-9-2005 19:29
I agree that all four cities should have a seedy dive to go to. Although Lucy's leaves alot to be desired!
There seems to me to be "tricks of the trade", that are'nt talked about alot. At least, I have never seen them on the general message boards. About hunts anyway. Some I have picked up on my own, and others by advice from others. So to put this simply, an agency like mine based in NY is on a hunt in Delhi. There are things a local agency can do to further their hunt that I can't do. So it would seem to equal out in that aspect. I hope that is understood, I don't want to break some unwritten code about strategies for the game.
Shangai has the race track, which is far superior than Lucy's. I'd rather have something like the race track in every city than Lucy's Cabaret.
Sir Kittithaj
May-10-2005 04:33
Or you should have different establishments in every city which serve different purposes.
New York - Big Lucy's Cabaret, fence, contact, chit-chat, newbies trap.
Shanghai - Race Track, betting.
London - Scotland Yard, act as a crime lab.
Delhi - ???
Pinball Amateur
May-10-2005 06:30
To an extent I agree about the local agency hunt point that Morley brought up. But I also see how a NY based agency could have a local advantage whenever a favor for Lucy is needed for a hunt, and that agencies based in other cities wouldn't have an equivalent to this advantage in other hunts.
I like the idea of a special establishment in each city, but Lucy's seems to do a little too much in comparison to the others. I say we should have less at Lucy's since the others would only have one main purpose. I think the contact part should be removed - this would do a couple things:
1) Level the number of number of favor possibilities for hunts, by making only the townies able to let us work the favors we need to win hunts.
3) Solve the problem of only one city having their special establishment become an important part of some hunts.
May-10-2005 06:39
Yeah, equivalents to Lucy could be something to think about. She's definitely the main reason why we're strongly considering making NY our hometown once we're done with the world tour. But wouldn't New York need something extra then to make it an attractive place to base one's HQ in since all the other cities seem to have some kind of perk? - granted that Shanghai and NY are the most appealing in terms of in-town facilities.
Well, as long as we're throwing ideas out there, maybe the Reform Club would be something that could be added to London?
May-10-2005 06:45
*grumbles under her breath, never having liked Lucy*
Maybe Lucy could just...close up shop...or maybe she could start enjoying travel a bit more...hiding out around the globe.....
If we are going to have to fight with her, and her purpose was to make hunts more difficult, having her running all over the world would sure accomplish that....
Though then the NY single city hunts would become tangled up, I imagine....
*really dislikes Lucy*
P. Rockwell
May-10-2005 10:45
Hey CFM. Where do you think I get my RootBeer :)
Little nicks and cranny is fun to explore but there are quite a few in each city. Plus, if you have a base in London or Dehli you get the advange of doing deliveries for the extra money.
May-10-2005 13:10
yeah but how much does it cost to get you there? it's only worth it if you're travelling anyway!
Phileas Fogg
May-11-2005 03:00
Maybe just adding a roaming contact in London, Delhi and Shanghai could fix this 'imbalance'.
So, all existing establishments would stay as they are, but you could get a hint on where "Mr X" (not to be confused with Shady) is hiding out today!
London: The roguish Lord Hathaway, who frequents bars, wharves and restaurants across the city (I'm not suggesting that he would be at the usual restaurant or bar - its just flavour)
Shanghai: The infamous Emily Hahn, who visits opium dens, clubs and anywhere else that takes her fancy (or substitute a fictional character, since she was absolutely real in 1930s Shanghai!)
Delhi: The famous hunter, Sir George Darby, who paints the town red, in between blood sports.
Well, you could easily build on these ideas....
May-11-2005 17:52
Big Lucy was no good to me I went at least 4 times and yes it leaves tons to be desired, unless U R P. Rockwell getting some Root Beer. I have been to each city and I don't care for ideas that make every city similar such as this idea. why not set up each city exactly the same or just have one huge city. Ben has done an awesome job with the existing cities. I think he will get around to adding to that amount depending on the amount of Det. and agencies if not take adv. of what is in your city like I do that reminds me gotta go hit the track!