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Favor's have bugs

Old Shoe

Jun-15-2004 16:24

I successfully solved: "The Simple Riddle of the Forgotten Shock", then got a favor from the Priest to solve. The first question I asked the only suspect was who had motive so I can start listing all suspects, so I was given one person. So I proceeded to ask her who had motive, but she clammed up on me, leaving me with no options whatsoever to make her speak, therefore I had no choice but to quit and lose this favor. To my knowledge this is happening a whole lot lately. Please Administrator, will you check this favor and see what I'm talking about: "The Unusual Puzzel of the Secret Crime". I would appreciate it. I have lost two of these lately, & I'd really love the chance to solve one and get it right. If you give no options to make them talk then it's no use. Thanks again.

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