Grumble Grumble
Jun-13-2004 12:35
Panthera walks away shaking her head. She's very disappointed in the way the skills are given out.
Replies |
Jun-14-2004 11:46
Having an option to reset your political standings to zero sounds like it would make switching factions much easier. Those Order guys are getting on my nerves anyway.
Wayne Williams Jr.
Jun-14-2004 11:54
Sleuth Admin:
I hope you don't mean reseting at an instantaneous, like pushing a "reset button" kind of thing. If that is what you mean, then I do NOT support it.
That will be too aritificial. How can your faction affliation be adjusted at a whim? It does not fit logically, in terms of the storyline.
Maybe what should be changed is to allow the "decay" to drop (or rise) to 0, and not stop at +10 or -10.
james lee
Jun-14-2004 12:48
i could use the brother hood. the house is a bit annoying always smelling like smoke
Harriet Vane
Jun-14-2004 17:04
I agree with Wayne. The affiliation should just drop to zero after a while, but a reset button would make it too easy.
Jun-15-2004 08:34
I'd like to support Wayne's view - I'm perfectly happy with the way things turned out, and feel content in the knowledge that I'll not run out of things to do in the near future. For me, this was not anticlimactic at all - even though I'm not high enough in ANY faction right now to purchase skills.
About resetting your factions - as such, it is a good idea, but it is true that finding a storyline to justify it could get slightly tricky. I suppose a character could knowingly betray their faction and drop from good standing not only to zero, but to a negative position? Plotwise, this is the best suggestion I can come up with right now.
Old Shoe
Jun-15-2004 08:42
Oops, sorry about that Fat Churck. Like always, I misunderstand, & stuck foot in mouth. I was talking about the regular buy skills. You're right Wayne, it's more interesting when you have to work hard for them.I still have a lot to learn about this game, & until I know I'll keep my emotional out-burst under control.....HOPE!!!
Jun-15-2004 08:53
Well, I accidentally set a small fire in the Mayor's Office the other day, and THEN helped Victor Chen change a flat tire, and THEN let Isabella Santellini ahead of me in line at the store because she was only buying a couple of things and I had a whole cartful. So...past sins were forgiven, and old alliances undone by a careless blaze. RESET complete.
Jun-15-2004 11:40
I'm with Wayne as well, there have been some things in the game that have benefitted some people and not others - life's tough, wear a helmet...
james lee
Jun-15-2004 14:48
and shoulder pads