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Jun-5-2004 17:48

when i only have one suspect to interview and he clams up giving me no information then how do i interview the other suspects that are involved because their not on the list? Make sense?



Jun-5-2004 17:51

i should have read other posts,I just read where someone had the same problem they said to quit the case is that my only option?


Jun-5-2004 17:51

i should have read other posts,I just read where someone had the same problem they said to quit the case is that my only option?


Jun-5-2004 19:33

Yeah, you can't interview suspects before someone gives you a motive. Quit the case and try a new one. Things like that happen to everyone.

Old Shoe

Jun-6-2004 16:45

I sent a private message, but I'll post it here. Are you referring to a FAVOR given, where's there's only one susp. or a regular case. Anyway, my first question in all cases is about who had motive, so I can get all suspect's names first, then I ask about their alibi's & since those couple of cases, I haven't had to quit any. Hope this helps.

Old Shoe

Jun-6-2004 16:50

Also, the Administrator sent me a private message telling me to never ask about their alibi first, and for sure if they are the only suspect you are dealing with. Regardless if a favor or case given stick with asking about motives and get all the names listed, then go back and ask for their alibis, or at least ask that last. Sorry about being redundant, just trying to help. Hope it works for you. Happy Sleuthing!

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