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Samantha P. Willis
Samantha P. Willis

Mar-8-2005 15:58

I'm stuck, no one wants to talk... two have fake alibis... two alibis I can't confirm because the priest won't talk... the shoe guy won't talk about the footprints. What do you do if your stuck this??? I accidently quit two cases so I don't want to quit another. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.


Just For A Day
Just For A Day

Mar-14-2005 17:13

Hmmm, I just started this player today. I played on intermediate for a while, but I have played this before. I don't suggestion to you is TAKE NOTES. Get a note pad and a pen and write down all suspect's names, ask them their alibi, check it, and then cross them off according to if it's true or not. If it's fake, gather more evidence against them. It's worked for me, and I hope it'll work for you.


Mar-15-2005 19:29

That will work for easier cases, but as they get harder it takes care with which questions to ask before people clam. I would certainly ask about others with a motive until the suspect list is complete before spending too many questions on alibis. If you don't get the guilty person on your suspect list, you'll never be able to accuse him or her.

I agree that notes are good, though. I used to take them faithfully, and I still do when I am in a tricky case.


Mar-15-2005 20:19

but if you get sus list and can no longer ask about alibies, can you still accuse?


Mar-16-2005 00:47

Yes, you can still accuse. However, it is more challenging to know if you ought to. If you don't know about the suspects alibi, one way or the other, you need two witness accusations or you need to have all the other suspects who are tied to evidence cleared by real alibis. Otherwise it's safer to quit rather than get into trouble with Shady or risk retirement.


Mar-17-2005 04:04

you can count alibis.


Mar-19-2005 05:53

I take notes too and thats the best way for you to do a good game and end it just fine

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