New Skills to be released
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
May-27-2004 10:46
I wanted to give you advanced warning. I'm starting to work on three new skills for players to purchase. There will be one each from the three statistics. It will probably be another 2 or 3 weeks before you can buy those skills. I particularly wanted to warn those of you with a lot of experience, just to give you the option of saving up skill points, since they come so slowly.
Replies |
Jun-15-2004 08:45
To clarify Chuck's point, you can still get +18 Charm even without 2 of the same item (if you have a Silver-Handled Cane and Very Expensive Perfume as your 2 "hand" items). Is it just Tough, then, that will be affected by the "no two of the same item" change?
Fat Chuck
Jun-15-2004 09:19
Yes, as far as I know Tough is the only one that would be affected by a double item change. I believe both Smart & Charm can still get +18 with all different items.
Jun-15-2004 09:54
Actually, I'm thinking about it, and I think that the Admin was thinking lockpicking and research definitely give Tough and Smart a distinct advantage-- and actually, he's very right!
Wayne Williams Jr.
Jun-15-2004 09:57
Actually Charm does have an advantage, as Fat Chuck pointed out (see above).
As to why it is least popular, I guess the reason is pretty obvious, isn't it? [Hint: This is a Gumshoe/Sleuth game!]
Fat Chuck
Jun-15-2004 10:17
I don't see how lock picking and research give tough and smart an advantage over charm. There might be a slight edge in obtaining those skills (1 or 2 skill points less to purchase them) but once you have them they work without regard to your other skills. Flirting on the other hand is charm dependent and the reduced price of acquiring all the charm interviewing skills should be far more discount then the 1 or 2 extra points paid for the other two skills.
Based on the description flirting should work more often than lock picking. In flirting, you have the ability to direct which question is answered (by which question you ask) as opposed to lock picking in which you have no control over which question is given up for free. Lock picking is definately only one question (at most, since sometimes you didn't want or need the info given). Who knows (apart from Ben)? Perhaps flirting gives more than one additional question when in effect. Lock picking works only on suspects. Flirting works on shopkeepers and suspects.
Maybe I'm missing some of the advantages of lock picking over flirting? Perhaps one is that lock picking begins to work full force right away while flirting becomes more effective as you gain other charm skills? Any others?
Jun-15-2004 10:33
Is the debate here over which archetype is most useful, or which skill set? The discount on buying skills is pretty small, so a Tough and Smart character wouldn't have that much of an advantage over a Smart and Charming character when it comes to buying Lock Picking, for example.
I'm with Chuck on this one: Lock Picking is available to everyone and works equally well no matter what your archetype is, but Flirting is definitely dependent on your character (and outfit). So Charm seems to have an edge in this regard.
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Jun-15-2004 13:40
Your point is well taken, there are two different questions here. 1)Is whether the skills in one statistical group are more effective the skills from one of the others. 2)Is whether a detective who is built around one of those statistics is significantly better off than a detective built around another one.
I was refering more to the first question when I said that Charm was a little weaker, but on review, I'm not even sure that is true.
In any event, all three of the new skills were designed to be advantageous to any detective, regardless of skillset. Of course, the acception is Safe Cracking which is absolutely useless to anybody who doesn't belong to an agency.
Jun-18-2004 07:20
Because we'd shoot our private eye out, that's why? Well maybe when we're older?...
Jennifer Massoli
Jun-20-2004 02:10
I can't say that I find pickpocketing very useful. My agency is rich enough as it is. :-)
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Jun-20-2004 11:44
Yep, I'm going to add a new thing or two to spend money on soon.