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Quitting cases
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Kaitlin von Tarlenheim
Kaitlin von Tarlenheim

May-26-2004 21:00

Question for the moderately-experienced folks out here--how often do you quit cases? I'm wondering if I didn't allocate my skill points poorly, since "Intermediate" is pretty easy for me now but "Hard" is often hampered by suspects who refuse to speak (on the first question, when I'm asking for people with motives) despite my prodding. I feel like a quitter if I quit too many cases, but I wondered if maybe it was more commonplace than it seemed.

I really enjoy the game--it's horribly addicting--but the skill points are slow-coming (even on hard, which like I said I'm not so good at), so it's a little frustrating.


Kaitlin von Tarlenheim
Kaitlin von Tarlenheim

May-27-2004 16:17

Hmm, thanks for the input. I'm just going to have to be patient, I suspect. Don't feel so bad about quitting cases anymore, though.

I want to join an agency, but real life (!) means I can't spend too much time on it. :/

Young Wolf
Young Wolf

May-27-2004 18:09

I rarely quit cases, (with my current character, I have 96 solved, 4 quit), but don't feel bad about it, sometimes there's just no alternative.

I think it sounds like you should take a bit more time though to put your charcters stats up a bit. It really helps to have advanced sweet talking or interregation or what have you.

With my previous two characters, I tried to rush ahead two quickly, and they wound up getting retired. Now with this one, I took my time to build up my skills and contacts, and it does pay off. (I went up about 12,000 experience points after yesterday's cases, with not one quit or false accusation even on the hardest levels. That's a pretty good payoff).


May-29-2004 20:03

Overall my statistics work out as roughly 1 in 10 quit. It goes in phases, though. Sometimes everything's easy, sometimes you struggle for a while till you get that new skill or something to help you on the way.


May-29-2004 20:13

I have solved 239 and quit 8. I think that it's because I was afraid to jump ahead too quickly (in the beginning) and now, I just get help from others in my agency when I get stuck.

The best advise is: Take your time.


May-30-2004 06:13

Cases Quit: 20
Cases Solved: 85

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