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Fortune Teller
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Blaise Joshua
Blaise Joshua

Feb-3-2005 05:48

Just a note - does the Fortune Teller ever tell you anything useful in a consultation, or is it just a chance for tyros like me to waste $20 on his delphic ramblings??


little nell
little nell

Feb-15-2005 23:10

I don't think you can rely on having a suspect die in every case. But sometimes it can come in handy, so I check all my suspects with fake alibis to make sure they are still alive before I start asking questions about physical evidence.


Feb-15-2007 14:22

What about the option of paying the fortune teller $20 for a reading?

Does that ever actually help with a case?

(What *does* it do, anyway?)


Feb-15-2007 14:23

Oh...sorry. I had searched for "fortune teller" and it didn't display all the replies (no Last>>, either)... But now I see someone had already answered!

Sorry! Ignore last post...

Lady of Shadows

Feb-15-2007 14:48

Thank you Kalypso for searching the message boards for an answer before asking. If only everyone had your initiative!

Sleuth About Town

Feb-15-2007 18:15

*agrees with sunny*

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