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Phoenix is Recruiting
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Blaise Joshua
Blaise Joshua

Feb-2-2005 11:56

The newly formed Phoenix investigations is looking for new agents to share equipment, experience and cases. As a new agency, this would be ideal for a budding detective's first agency, and if there's anyone a little more experienced with a few more contacts, skills etc, they would be welcome also. Leave a reply on this board if you're interested.



Feb-6-2005 13:41

Hi I'm Agi and I am very good at solving the cases. I used to be real detective until I retired. I don't have that much expeirence here, but I am good natured. I would love to be in this agency...I'll be very useful!

Blaise Joshua
Blaise Joshua

Feb-6-2005 16:47

Hi Agi. You need to be subscribed to join, but once you are you'll be most welcome with us. Let us know when you are, OK?

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