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A bug?

Trevor Sterling
Trevor Sterling

Mar-17-2024 06:42

I was playing a beginner case. The 2 suspects didn't match the 1 piece of evidence found. So I asked about them and had 2 witnesses agreed to 1 of the suspects. When I accused them, it was the wrong one. :(

Is this a bug or did I do something wrong?


Price of Soap
Price of Soap
Pinball Amateur

Mar-19-2024 23:02

Did the suspect have a real alibi? Guilty suspects will have a fake/no alibi (you have to check the alibi to see if they were telling the truth) and either a piece of evidence that points to them, or other people suspecting them specifically.
Innocent suspects can have evidence pointing to them, or people suspecting them, but as long as they have a real alibi, they are not guilty.

Hope this helps!

Trevor Sterling
Trevor Sterling

Mar-21-2024 05:01

Hi PoS, thanks for your reply!

No the suspect had a false albi and 2 WE. Yet when I accused it was wrong. Guess it must have been a bug...

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