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This game will be 20 years old in March and is in desperate need of a modern update
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Jan-6-2024 04:02

It'll be 20 years since 2004 yet the site is stuck in 2004. They development team if they're even active anymore needs to fix it desperately. The forums are outdated and old, Shady and the false accusation system is broken, a lot of stuff needs to be updated. Yet the dev team has disappeared.



Mar-11-2024 21:43

Here we are in the middle of March. A simple thanks would do


Mar-15-2024 09:06

I just started Noir. I LOVED the Shades game and felt nostalgic. Fired this up today and the game is currently unplayable :( Logs me out when I try analyzing evidence. I was excited to get back into it too.


Mar-19-2024 13:54

I was about to make this post. I am a dev/sysadmin/otherstuff and I love this game. I've been playing it on and off for years. I'd be happy to volunteer time and skills (Grad student so no money). If there's still an interest maybe we can revive it? This does not look like it's resource heavy or intensive so we should be able to keep it working with minimal costs.


Mar-30-2024 00:20

March is just about over....


Mar-30-2024 17:55

What exactly are you expecting Ramon-Miguel? What needs fixed? What is outdated?

I've recently returned due to nostalgia (I do this every few years) and I'm glad the game is still running. Admin made it clear years ago that the game would never be able t generate the income needed to be anything more than a hobby.

I had a ton of fun back in the day and have made some very good friends through this game, some that I still talk to all these years later.


Apr-2-2024 01:57

Gave up hope for changes but was hoping that they would acknowledge the 20th anniversary of the game in some way, shape, or form.

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