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Why did you pick your home city?
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May-31-2022 07:53

Any particular reason why you decided to have your agency HQ in New York, London, Delhi, Shanghai or Cairo?

I like London because of it's map, certain unique townies like the Librarian and the Curator. But above all it's a city that can be associated with detective work as it's most renounced citizen of all time, Sherlock Holmes, is the epitome of that.


Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Aug-25-2022 10:13

I can't really now remember why I set up in Cairo. I think it might just have been because there weren't many agencies there, and as a one-person agency I had no real reason to be anywhere else.. I do also sometimes like contemplating how annoying life would be if I didn't have the Banker as a contact.

miss snopes
miss snopes
Demon of the Due Date

Oct-11-2022 00:58

When I first started playing (about 15 years ago), the agency I joined was located in London. The Librarian, Waiter and I became such good friends that even when I started my own agency, I just couldn't leave them. I always feel a little homesick when I'm away on travels and can't wait to get back home to London.


Oct-11-2022 07:04

I feel the same. No matter how much I like exotic locales, there's no plays like home.

Battered Shoe

Oct-22-2022 08:47

Delhi - because the agency is there. Aside from that, I do like London when I get the chance to tackle cases there.

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