Furores (Hopefully) Back in Action
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Apr-6-2022 06:41
(sticky post)
Hello Sleuthers. We have deployed a fix today that has finally, touch wood, gotten Furores back on track. Special thanks to Cherry Candy for taking the time to work with us on this - without her efforts this certainly would have taken longer.
Dorian at the Prancing Dancers has been distraught at the state of everyone's pets and consequently released a troop of veterinarian monkeys who have patched up everyone's furry, scaled and feathered companions. Further anyone whose pet was not actively sick has been given a one time gift of $100,000.
Replies |
Lucky Stiff
Apr-9-2022 23:06
So far I've been able to obtain an invitation from Kaz immediately before the next game relatively easily, but I haven't met Linus yet. Wouldn't it be possible to make his visits more frequent?
Lucky Stiff
Apr-11-2022 00:30
Hey guys, why was the first furore of the day rescheduled for 0:15 instead of 1:15, which was much more convenient? Between getting new cases at 0:05 and the beginning of the furore, there is not enough time to get an invitation.
The Tome Ranger
Apr-11-2022 12:15
Something unusual happened to me several times in the last couple of days. After hitting the accuse button I was kicked to the login screen, and when I logged in again the case was still open. The second time there was no problem with accusing the killer and selling the AI reward. Is it possible that the error is occuring when I would be offered a furore invitation? Perhaps there is a "Linus glitch". :)
Lisandra is trying to get the invitations right before the furore, but Lupin, her alt, is looking for Linus, to be able to plan his furores ahead. So far he was completely unsuccessful, perhaps because of the hypothetical glitch I mentioned above. Has anyone else tried to get an invitation between the furores and not immediately before?
Apr-11-2022 12:56
This also happened to me. Got kicked to the login page, then logged back in and then I was able to solve.
Hans Landa
Assistant Librarian
Apr-11-2022 13:16
Who is Linus again? Haven't come across that name in ages it seems.
Kell Dewclaw
Trusted Informer
Apr-11-2022 15:56
I have an old Furore ticket still. Haven’t tried for a new one yet though.
Jesse Hunter
Apr-11-2022 16:02
I’ve been kicked to the login screen on one case after solving, but it was an urchin case. When I logged back in the case was still open and solving it just gave me the reward text, but the nemy clue was listed on my detective page. No idea if the furore ticket was PRT of the glitch or not. ALL my case rewards have been glitchy since I resubscribed after some time away - clicking sell/store in the reward item results in the last couple of paragraphs being repeated in overlapping text with the original text. I can sell or store the item normally using the newly displayed 2nd set of links.
Con Artist
Apr-11-2022 16:30
I think clearing all old ticket solves all. :D
Keira Ann
Apr-11-2022 17:40
This has happened to me multiple times over the past couple of days as well.
The Tome Ranger
Apr-12-2022 00:57
Kaz is a woman who offers you a ticket in the last hour before the next furore, and for the next furore only. Linus is a young man who appears in the time between the furores and offers you a choice of furores to pick from for a couple of days or more, so that you can make your own choice when you want to participate. It appears that his appearance at the end of a case is glitched and that we are being kicked to the login screen instead.