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Tea steepers

Emily Glass
Emily Glass
Old Shoe

Jun-5-2021 04:06

I need to give a rasputins egg to tea steepers. I have the egg but for some reason the monk won't see me. I already have +10 standing with the tea steepers so I'm not sure why the monk won't see me. Is anyone able to help. Thanks


Hans Landa
Hans Landa
Assistant Librarian

Jun-6-2021 08:26

Seems to me like a bug.

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Jun-6-2021 12:02

Looks like you got it figured out, Emily as you now have a +20 standing with the Steepers.

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Jun-6-2021 13:29

Confirmation from the agency, that it was figured out and not a bug.


Jun-9-2021 01:28

Thanks for all the help

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