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All Skills?
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Old Shoe

Feb-28-2021 10:24

Is there any reason to get all skills? Even ones that your detective don't need? Maybe something that gets unlocked?

Thank you!


Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Mar-5-2021 10:48

I like stress detection - I've never found it unreliable, so I'd be interested to know more about that. I also do use judge of character sometimes - if I'm still trying to get suspect names and I've got a choice of who to ask (assuming they're all members of my own gender and therefore I can't flirt with them to boost my chances), I generally look to see which has the best chance of giving me both suspect names and an alibi. It is a probability thing rather than a certainty, so no guarantees, but I figure it's worth a shot. Reading what Jesse said above, I should probably pay a bit more attention to what the intimidation chances are as well as charm.

I picked up the unnecessary tough skills just because I could. :)

Shelby Slaughter
Shelby Slaughter
Pinball Wizard

Mar-5-2021 14:28

Once you build you up your experience you can definitely get by without all the extra skills, but getting them can give you a slight edge here and there. I'm heavy on charming, but every so often a witness has higher stats in tough, so because i have tough skills now too (after i got the other available ones first) i use tough instead for them. it's pretty rare, and not necessary to use tough to get your answers if your charming is already quite high based on equipment, but i like the extra edge.

i do like stress detection as well, but it was one of the last ones i got. i find it useful when i'm asking townies questions. i know how many answers they'll give, so i can decide which alibis i want to confirm in those instances where one townie has several. for example, if a townie has three alibis to confirm, but i know they're only going to answer 2 questions (including me paying them for one of those answers), then if i have a suspect with no PE at all, i won't bother with that one because i know it's not them since they have no PE. i ONLY use this reasoning when i know that i can't get all the alibis verified - so i use it to weigh my options and pick the one that will give me the most insight.

and also when i'm asking for WE, it kinda gives me peace of mind to know how many questions i can get out of someone. i don't often make a "judgement call" like i do with the townies in this case, as my WE style is to systematically work through each person in order, but i like knowing what i'm up against.


Mar-5-2021 15:23

I'm feeling a bit awkward now. Everyone seems to make good use of stress detection. What am I missing here?

Shelby Slaughter
Shelby Slaughter
Pinball Wizard

Mar-5-2021 15:27

i really don't think you need it at all - it's just a nice to have that gives you a bit of extra insight into how you use your questions. but i don't think it would make much difference without it - i think it's really a preference, depending on your style of solving cases!

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Mar-7-2021 05:08

I use it for PE townies as well. It helps me play the odds. Sometimes it can be a better bet to ask about a suspect with a real alibi, if you know you've only got one question left. But as Shelby says, it depends on your style of case solving! And probabilities are just that: doesn't mean that bad luck won't bite you on the posterior...

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