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Aug-21-2020 08:43

Now that i need to remake my contacts in every city, i was wondering if there was any way of "picking" which townie you want as a contact. Could i just quit all the favor cases until i come across a favor for the townie i want?


Hans Landa
Hans Landa
Assistant Librarian

Aug-21-2020 09:42

Yes you can. It will take much longer to get contacts but if you have the time, why not?

Who doesn't want to have Holy Men, Fishmongers, Music teachers, Calligraphists etc instead of boring waiters, bartenders and barbers?

Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter
Santa's Little Helper

Aug-22-2020 13:22

As a new detective I quit every favor until I got the PE contacts I wanted. Originally I went for the same type of PE in every city, but didn’t care much about WE contacts. If I had to do it again now that I have all the skills available I’d try to maximize the flirting skill by aiming for all same-gendered contacts across the board.

Misha Stevens
Misha Stevens
Battered Shoe

Aug-22-2020 13:37

Jesse, that's interesting but I'm a little confused. Surely our contacts are obliged to respond to anything we ask? I'm not seeing how flirting will work better if all our contacts are the same gender. Perhaps there is something very obvious that I'm missing?

Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter
Santa's Little Helper

Aug-22-2020 20:39

Since the flirting bonus only applies when talking to the opposite gender, there’s a slight long term advantage to having all your contacts the same gender as your detective. That way the flirting bonus is never wasted on a sure thing.

Misha Stevens
Misha Stevens
Battered Shoe

Aug-23-2020 02:41

I'm still hitting a brick wall here. If I'm working on a particular case where my contacts are the same gender as my detective, flirting doesn't operate - but contacts answer anything I ask so no problem. If my contacts are opposite gender, exactly the same thing applies - they will answer any question.

If I speak to townies who are not contacts, then the gender of the character will make a difference in regard to whether flirting works or not.

So I'm not seeing how flirting can be "wasted". That sounds to me like saying that there is a specific amount of the flirting skill available within each case and it gets used up as you speak to each townie

AmI still missing something? Won't be surprised if I am .

Shelby Slaughter
Shelby Slaughter
Pinball Wizard

Aug-23-2020 12:27

I believe he's saying he doesn't want a contact that is of the opposite gender because he already has an advantage with flirting for the opposite gender. So if your contacts are the same gender - then you get the advantage of the contact AND you get to have the advantage of flirting with the other townies of the opposite gender. You get to fully take advantage of both.

But if you have a contact that is of the opposite gender, then it doesn't matter if you have flirting because they'll already answer all your questions, so it feels like it's a "waste" because you don't get to use your flirting on that townie since they'll answer all your questions anyway.

Shelby Slaughter
Shelby Slaughter
Pinball Wizard

Aug-23-2020 12:33

and i *think* the townies are evenly split between male and female in each city, so if you have a contact of the opposite gender and flirting doesn't matter because they answer all of your questions, then (if I'm right in the m/f split) there's a townie of the same gender that you have no advantage with (flirting won't work, and they're not your contact) - so you technically have an overall statistical disadvantage in having your questions answers - however, whether that actually affects your case depends on what townies are needed for alibis and PE, because you don't need every townie once every case, so it's not necessarily a disadvantage every time.

Misha Stevens
Misha Stevens
Battered Shoe

Aug-23-2020 14:07

Thank you, Shelby. That makes perfect sense. I appreciate you taking the time to explain. I tend to simply play the game rather than think too much about it, so things like this often go by me. It's good that we have smart people around, like you and Jesse, to alert us to things like this.

Too late for me to do anything about it now though!

Shelby Slaughter
Shelby Slaughter
Pinball Wizard

Aug-24-2020 05:58

I'm glad it helped! I am the same, I just play and whatever happens is what happens, lol. Then afterwards, when someone else brings it up, I'm like "Oh yeah, that makes a lot of sense..." LOL!!!

In any case, good luck on regaining your contacts!!!

Misha Stevens
Misha Stevens
Battered Shoe

Aug-24-2020 09:42

I still have all my *old* contacts, Shelby. I think you're confusing me with Dreamcatcher, who recently lost hers and posted about it. But if I were starting out again with a new detective I'd certainly follow Jesse's advice ; )

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