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Furores Fixed
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Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Apr-17-2020 08:18

Yetiface kindly fixed the Carousel Furores today. Please help us by try them out when you have time and post any problems you run into here.


Ellie Cushion
Ellie Cushion
Pinball Pro

Apr-26-2020 10:11

That carosel u mentioned above was the one where my trade didnt get recorded, Aknas was there he said hi to me in the chat before we started

Con Artist

Apr-26-2020 13:40

Yeti, it is strange indeed.

Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter
Santa's Little Helper

Apr-26-2020 13:47

Yeti, it’s possible I have offended Linus. I personally believe Dorian Pivot has blackballed me on the furores - I got a little rough with him last week over the fact that not ONE of his ponies sports a magnificent unicorn horn in spite of the fact that the map CLEARLY indicates a unicorn ride. I maaaaay have handled some coarse language. I definitely issued some threats of personal violence. I was not the best version of myself and let the situation escalate. In hindsight I should have probably employed some self calming measures instead - maybe some deep breathing, or counting by sevens, or spending some time PETTING A MAGNIFICENT FREAKING UNICORN LIKE THE ONE ON THE MAP!!!1!

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Apr-27-2020 06:32

Ellie, I think when someone else accepts your trade you have to collect the clues they gave you from the fountain. Is that what's gone wrong here?

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Apr-27-2020 06:37

Jesse, that does sound like you went rather far, justifiable though it may have been. Maybe by way of conflict resolution you can get Dorian a huge pile of chocolate and he can supply you with a magnificent freaking unicorn like the one on the map

Ellie Cushion
Ellie Cushion
Pinball Pro

May-1-2020 14:44

Yes i went to the fountain and it gave me the clue, but it didnt record it on my record so itvwas like it didnt happen.

Misha Stevens
Misha Stevens
Battered Shoe

May-9-2020 09:57

Odd thing happened with Joseph Hollis at the 9.30 furore today. I tried espionage on him (having checked that he had 2 or 3 clues I didn't), but was given a clue I already had. Has this happened before? Makes me a little wary of using the old candy floss trick.

Farmers Daughter
Farmers Daughter

May-9-2020 21:22

I boarded the seaplane and headed to the carousel to show my ticket, but instead of sending me to the fountain for pre-furore chat I got this error message:

File: /home/ubuntu/noir/src/www/map/battery/carousel/queue.spy
ProgrammingError: (1064, "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's Daughter', False)' at line 1")
Stack: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/MySQL_python-1.2.3-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/MySQLdb/, in defaulterrorhandler:
raise errorclass, errorvalue
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/MySQL_python-1.2.3-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/MySQLdb/, in execute:
self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
/var/www/html/common/py/, in sign_up:
/var/www/html/common/py/controller/map/battery/carousel/, in load:, self.detective.detectiveid,, back_up_ticket)
queue.spy:9, in (main):
data.load(session, request)

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

May-12-2020 13:25

New weird (and wonderful! but probably not intended) bug with the 13:00 furore today: no timer limits/queues at the rollercoaster and the big wheel. I know. :o

(I must also cop to very unscrupulously hogging these rides once I found out there weren't any "lines" - I could say I was just pushing my luck to see how far it'd go :P My most sincere apologies to my co-furorers today, Misha and De Mata Hari - I didn't notice it until about 5 mins in, and then I did go crazy because I thought you might have noticed it. I tried to make up for it by very trading a lot and spreading the good luck around...but yes, my win is tainted. Sorry, but the furoring spirit definitely got to me. :D)

ALSO, petition to make this bug a feature! You just won't know which furores this will happen, so as soon you find it - it'll just be a mad rush and then trading-dependent. No? Please?

Farmers Daughter
Farmers Daughter

May-12-2020 15:52

I'm still getting that big long error message on a blank white webpage when I show my furore ticket at the carousel. Who is in charge of maintenance for that? Who can take a look at my account and see why it is doing this? I sure would love to play!

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