Furores Fixed
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Apr-17-2020 08:18
Yetiface kindly fixed the Carousel Furores today. Please help us by try them out when you have time and post any problems you run into here.
Replies |
Ellie Cushion
Pinball Pro
Apr-26-2020 10:11
That carosel u mentioned above was the one where my trade didnt get recorded, Aknas was there he said hi to me in the chat before we started
Con Artist
Apr-26-2020 13:40
Yeti, it is strange indeed.
Jesse Hunter
Santa's Little Helper
Apr-26-2020 13:47
Yeti, it’s possible I have offended Linus. I personally believe Dorian Pivot has blackballed me on the furores - I got a little rough with him last week over the fact that not ONE of his ponies sports a magnificent unicorn horn in spite of the fact that the map CLEARLY indicates a unicorn ride. I maaaaay have handled some coarse language. I definitely issued some threats of personal violence. I was not the best version of myself and let the situation escalate. In hindsight I should have probably employed some self calming measures instead - maybe some deep breathing, or counting by sevens, or spending some time PETTING A MAGNIFICENT FREAKING UNICORN LIKE THE ONE ON THE MAP!!!1!
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Apr-27-2020 06:32
Ellie, I think when someone else accepts your trade you have to collect the clues they gave you from the fountain. Is that what's gone wrong here?
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Apr-27-2020 06:37
Jesse, that does sound like you went rather far, justifiable though it may have been. Maybe by way of conflict resolution you can get Dorian a huge pile of chocolate and he can supply you with a magnificent freaking unicorn like the one on the map
Ellie Cushion
Pinball Pro
May-1-2020 14:44
Yes i went to the fountain and it gave me the clue, but it didnt record it on my record so itvwas like it didnt happen.
Misha Stevens
Battered Shoe
May-9-2020 09:57
Odd thing happened with Joseph Hollis at the 9.30 furore today. I tried espionage on him (having checked that he had 2 or 3 clues I didn't), but was given a clue I already had. Has this happened before? Makes me a little wary of using the old candy floss trick.
Farmers Daughter
May-9-2020 21:22
I boarded the seaplane and headed to the carousel to show my ticket, but instead of sending me to the fountain for pre-furore chat I got this error message:
File: /home/ubuntu/noir/src/www/map/battery/carousel/queue.spy
ProgrammingError: (1064, "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's Daughter', False)' at line 1")
Stack: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/MySQL_python-1.2.3-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/MySQLdb/connections.py:36, in defaulterrorhandler:
raise errorclass, errorvalue
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/MySQL_python-1.2.3-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/MySQLdb/cursors.py:174, in execute:
self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
/var/www/html/common/py/carousel_game.py:749, in sign_up:
/var/www/html/common/py/controller/map/battery/carousel/queue.py:49, in load:
self.game.sign_up(db, self.detective.detectiveid, self.detective.name, back_up_ticket)
queue.spy:9, in (main):
data.load(session, request)
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist
May-12-2020 13:25
New weird (and wonderful! but probably not intended) bug with the 13:00 furore today: no timer limits/queues at the rollercoaster and the big wheel. I know. :o
(I must also cop to very unscrupulously hogging these rides once I found out there weren't any "lines" - I could say I was just pushing my luck to see how far it'd go :P My most sincere apologies to my co-furorers today, Misha and De Mata Hari - I didn't notice it until about 5 mins in, and then I did go crazy because I thought you might have noticed it. I tried to make up for it by very trading a lot and spreading the good luck around...but yes, my win is tainted. Sorry, but the furoring spirit definitely got to me. :D)
ALSO, petition to make this bug a feature! You just won't know which furores this will happen, so as soon you find it - it'll just be a mad rush and then trading-dependent. No? Please?
Farmers Daughter
May-12-2020 15:52
I'm still getting that big long error message on a blank white webpage when I show my furore ticket at the carousel. Who is in charge of maintenance for that? Who can take a look at my account and see why it is doing this? I sure would love to play!