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Nemesis Rewards Fixed
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Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Apr-15-2020 11:12

If you've got a completed Nemesis hunt, you should be able to claim your reward now.


miss snopes
miss snopes

May-15-2020 00:42

An actual "good" ghost from the past....may he haunt us again soon.

Ser Tyrion Lannister
Ser Tyrion Lannister
Ultimate Hunter

Jun-27-2020 21:51

I just visited the Prince's Treasury to receive my Nemesis hunt reward. I was offered the choice of an item to be upgraded (I chose the reindeer coat), but wasn't offered the choice of colours. The item was upgraded to 5 charm points - and that was all. The colour, obviously, remained the same, and so did the "name" of the item, the usual "Ser Tyrion Lannister's Reindeer Coat" is missing. What went wrong? What are the experiences of the recent recipients of the Nemesis rewards? This glitch, or whatever it is, makes the whole Nemesis hunt somewhat pointless. Admins, please help!

Ser Tyrion Lannister
Ser Tyrion Lannister
Ultimate Hunter

Jun-28-2020 00:15

I might have made a mistake. I don't remember if there was an option to preview the item, but there might have been one. That would probably give me the choice of colour. But all the same, that doesn't explain the missing text.

No wonder I forgot the right procedure after a two-year pause. :) In any case, I repeat my appeal: please, admins, help!

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Jun-28-2020 06:52

Ultimate Hunter Ser Tyrion, it definitely seems like a glitch, because my reindeer coat (and I'm guessing *all* reindeer coats in Sleuthville) have been boosted to +5 charm (it was the normal 4/4/4 just yesterday). While this boost is great and all, it has to be this universal thing that was accidentally applied that's linked to you being unable to pick a colour, and the reason the name's unchanged.

On second thought, I think it's likely that the reindeer items could be buggy when it comes to applying Nemesis point rewards just because there are already boosted versions of them that exist, and you usually don't get an option to re-colour or custom-name items that have already been Nemesis-boosted once (it's what I've seen with equipment to which I've applied multiple Nemesis upgrades). That shouldn't be the case here though, so hopefully the admins are able to fix this asap and you can stick to your green theme - there are already only a few NH perks that are still worth pursuing after your first Nemesis, but to look on the bright side, at least this doesn't undo any useful powers like it did for the first upgraded travel kits! Hopefully you get all the perks asap, and congrats on a whopping 11 NHs. :D

Washed Up Punter

Jun-28-2020 09:10

It looks like this exact thing happened re: the reindeer coat before:

The admins swooped in to fix it, so I’m guessing it’ll happen here too!

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Jun-28-2020 14:33

Yes, dear Bad Ass, who excels at causing trouble, gave all of Sleuthville a charm boost when he applied his nemesis reward to his reindeer coat. But his reindeer coat is indeed now designated as "Badass's Reindeer Coat," but as glasse observed, it took admin intervention to get it fixed. Hopefully the sleuth god's are listening or looking and will fix this glitch for you Tyrion.

Cro Magnon
Cro Magnon
The Tome Ranger

Jun-28-2020 15:54

Yeti told me that the reindeer items are "off the charts", meaning they are not part of the usual list of items and therefore have to be "manually" and individually changed to nemesis hunt rewards. I fear the same will apply for my golden wreath, item that I got after finishing the 2016 Sleuth Olympics.

Hopefully dear Ser, Yeti will notice this in good time and work his magic with his color wand.

Cro Magnon
Cro Magnon
The Tome Ranger

Jun-28-2020 15:55

btw, forgot I was logged in as Cro Magnon :)

Ser Tyrion Lannister
Ser Tyrion Lannister
Ultimate Hunter

Jun-29-2020 06:59

Thank you all, guys, for the prompt and detailed reply. It never occured to me that the reindeer coat was a special item made to be boosted for a special occasion. It was BadAss's wonderful green reindeer coat that led me astray. I didn't know that it needed the intervention of a Sleuth god to make it happen. I'm sure that the god in question will intervene again, this time on my behalf. *kotows*

The side-effect of upgrading ALL the reindeer coats in Sleuthville is great, perhaps I've just done a good deed and should stop complaining. :D Unfortunately, as seen in the previous instance, one seems to exclude the other.

I just read about your login troubles, BadAss. Compared to that, my complaint about a "mere" coat seems trivial. I hope it will be fixed soon.

Cro Magnon
Cro Magnon
The Tome Ranger

Jun-29-2020 07:27

lol, since I can't play BadAss for now I wish there was something as a rent-a-coat service so at least that coat would be put to good use.

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