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Who or what is Neurocam?
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Ace Citizen
Ace Citizen

Jan-21-2005 06:07

For all those budding sleuths out there I need you to answer me a question, who or what is Neurocam? I know this may sound simple, but believe me these people weave a mysterious web.


Ace Citizen
Ace Citizen

Jan-22-2005 17:21

The second assignment came by email with an enclosed attachment. I was to travel to a bridge on the Yarra (a river which runs through my city) and locate a safe which was placed underneath and remove the envelope with my name on it and nothing else. The attachment was a detailed map of the area as well as the safes 4-digit access code.


Jan-22-2005 21:20

Wierd. That sounds like something out of a movie!


Jan-23-2005 04:30

very strange. plz keep us informed.


Jan-23-2005 05:58

And are you gonna go look?
I would think about it twice, if they tell you to be there at a specific time.'

Ace Citizen
Ace Citizen

Jan-23-2005 06:08

I finished work at 10pm and travelled to the disclosed location. I know this sounds a little paranoid but I parked my car a few blocks away just in case I was being followed. Well actually more so I could see if I was being followed, and by whom. Anyway, underneath the bridge was pitch black as you could imagine, being 10:30pm, but I seemed to find it with no great trouble. I tried to pick up the safe so I could punch in the access code but it was securely fastened to the concrete and was not going to be moved. I managed to type the code onto the face, heard the safe 'click' open and turned the handle. Inside was a pile of manila envelopes, which scarily, the top one being mine. Operational guidelines then asked for me to secure the safe, replace its camoflague (empty beer carton) then leave the scene before opening the envelope in a secure location. The envelope contained;
a) Neurocam identifier (small orange badge with hyroglyph eye in the centre).
b) Pass code to be emailed to Head of Operations.
I returned home and immediately emailed the code. I woke up the next morning with a message in my inbox from the Head of Ops. It read;
Dear Operative ****,
Verification of assignment completion has been recieved. Congratulations and welcome to Neurocam!
Neurocam International's Operations division is currently examining the surveillence footage gathered during the completion of your assignment. Your performance will soon be assessed in accordance with operational protocol.
Once that assessment is complete you will be contacted with the details of your next assignment.
Congratulations once again, it's a pleasure to welcome you to the Neurocam team.
****** *******
Head, Operations Division
Neurocam International

Surveillence footage, pretty freaky huh???

Wayne Williams Jr.
Wayne Williams Jr.

Jan-23-2005 07:54

I've googled and glanced through a little on Neurocam, but haven't read into it in detail.

Thanks, Ace, for sharing your experience. However, it must be said that the two tasks constitute nothing spectacular. A registered user (or "operative") is sent an email with some questions, and asked to write a half-day diary. The second task asks the user to retrieve a password from an obscure location and send an email, and another email was received in return. As to the surprise at seeing the mail with your name first, well, that's a simple trick. They must have anticipated your arrival already, so they may have simply placed your mail together with some envelopes with other generic names behind. So there.

From what I've read, some tasks involve passing parcels of unknown content to strangers. Some in North America report given tasks of putting something within the pages of a book. This latter possibly because Neurocam is largely Melbourne-based, and cannot give more elaborate tasks in the US, as yet.

Neurocam deny a lot about themselves, but what we can confirm is that it is a group of people, people like you and me, with some resources on hand. What we can also confirm is that they are trying to hype up something by being mysterious.


Jan-23-2005 08:23

Well I have signed up from Amsterdam. So we will see.

Giving and receiving parcels from strangers....hmmmm don't know about that. I prefer to not meet people in a dark location, or a parcel with an unknown content.

Any reports negative reports on this?


Jan-23-2005 13:24

Wow! This is totally bizarre--I can scarcely believe it is true, and am still not sure that I do. What is the purpose behind it all?

It seems to me in these days of super-paranoid terrorism-realted-fear-driven governments that if Neurocam were really doing something "bad" or "shady"--the FBI, CIA, or Interpol would be all over them. So maybe it's just a 'game' where you can 'play' spy by doing seemingly mysterious things? Along the same lines, if they were dangerous or shady, why would they advertise their organization on a billboard?

None the less, I'm extremely curious and am heading over to their site straight away. ;)

Ace Citizen
Ace Citizen

Jan-23-2005 15:49

I've just received another assignment being a couple of days after collecting the badge. (I know this seems to be happening rather quickly its because I've just decided to chronicle it for you guys but from now on things will be happening in 'real time'). I can't tell you too much at this stage only that it has "something to do with The Magus". (WWJr maybe that book you mentioned)


Jan-23-2005 16:22

I did not realize there were billboards about it. FBI/CIA would not apply to me. Actually my ex-boyfriend is an internet cop here in Holland...for some reason I don't have much faith in our police, or other government bodies. hahah. Besides everything seems to be legal here anyway. :)

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