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**Moderator ATTN needed! Furores broken?**
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Amber Blaze
Amber Blaze

Sep-16-2018 12:35

The Furore seems to be broken. I have a ticket for today (09-16) at 12:30pm and am in New York. But when I go to the Boardwalk, it says I have to pay $100 to get in. If you look at the other post titled "Furor glitch?" you can see that there are other agents having similar issues. Looking back at the City News, no one has won a furor since Sep-7-2018 at 12:56... before the outage.

The ticket is still showing as a mission ("You have a ticket to a Carousel Furore at the Battery Boardwalk on Sunday at 12:30.') even though it is now 12:33pm .

Please fix the Furore.


Daenerys Targaryen
Daenerys Targaryen

Nov-29-2018 03:41

I'd gladly welcome such a solution.

Zara Bande
Zara Bande
Bounty Hunter

Nov-29-2018 12:36

Sounds good.

Heather Ceana
Heather Ceana

Jan-2-2019 10:17

I'm unable to leave the tracks. Bugger. So sad that I didn't see this before I bought a ticket. I have been gone a long time, and didn't know what the feature was. My detective is stuck there. I filed a bug report. Can someone port me out, please?

Heather Ceana
Heather Ceana

Jan-2-2019 10:19

Okay. I finally found the way out. Yeah, I'm just that stupid. I figured with nothing scheduled, I could just click somewhere, which I can. Sorry.


Feb-9-2019 03:21

The problems above are still active. Wish I would have read this thread before subscribing:(


Feb-24-2019 02:00

Problem still persists after so many years..

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Feb-25-2019 03:33

Well it certainly *seems* like years, but it's a matter of months, not years - yet.

Theodora X
Theodora X

Mar-24-2019 12:38

I decided to accept a ticket to a furore just to see if anything has changed over the last few weeks - in the light of noticing Ben at the boardwalk a couple of times and of hearing about Bela Talbot's recent strange experience (posted on another thread).

My ticket was for the 12.45 furore on Thursday (21st March). I received a mail message on the Thursday morning, but nothing else happened. No seaplane, no 10-minute reminder message. And yet the statement about the furore ticket remained in my mission list even after the 12.45 deadline had passed. Late yesterday I received the following mail message:

"To: Theodora X
"Sent: Mar 23, 2019 - 18:05
You have a ticket for a Carousel Furore that'll start in 10 minutes.

If you're in New York you can access the Battery Boardwalk from the map. From any other city you can find private transport waiting for you from the docks or station in that city.

To join the game present your ticket at the carousel before the furore is due to start. Remember to keep an accessory slot free if you want to buy any delicious cotton candy."

So it seems that nothing has really moved on . We're still back where we started. Sadly, I feel that when my current subscription runs out, I really will have to call it a day. It's the continuing lack of communication from admin that is the real deal-breaker for me here.

Toni Kroos
Toni Kroos
Old Shoe

Mar-25-2019 03:24

My subscription will run out in about a week or so. By that time it has been 7,5 months regarding this issue and nothing has changed. Also over a month of frustration with dealing with an extremly slow server. It seems I am also not going to renew my subscribtion. Maybe check in once in a while to see if anything has changed, but I'm not going to keep my hopes up. Last 7 months have set the expectations. The lack of communication and no problem-solving whatsoever make me sad as it was a terrific game.

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Mar-27-2019 21:31

I turned my furores off for the time being.

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